Daily Clip Caller Demands To Know Where Authority Comes From And Demands That Mike Give Him The Wrong Answer Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The 300-plus men that have been titled the Vicar of Christ here on earth, it’s debatable as to whether all of them were in possession of, personally speaking, of unfiltered and perfect revealed truth. We know this because they’re fallible. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. FOLKS, a message from Mike - The Audio Clip of The Day files, Project 76 feature presentations, […] todayOctober 5, 2015 8
insert_link Founders Television The Police State Is Drunk On Its Own Authority Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - And this includes illegal and unwarranted searches... inside your body. In the first broadcast episode of "South Park" Eric Cartman & cast obsessed over whether visiting aliens were giving the locals "anal probes", that was TV and THIS IS REALITY: New Mexico police in search of "drugs" torture man for 14 hours including 2 anal probes. The "war on drugs" is out […] todayJune 9, 2015 9
insert_link Transcripts The Epidimic Known As American Exceptionalism Que The Chant, USA USA USA Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "If you’re an American, and if you’re alive, then you are exceptional and the rest of the world should do whatever it is you think the rest of the world should do. If you think the citizens of Yemen should pledge allegiance to our flag, adopt Thomas Jefferson as their founding father, and do all the other things […] todayJune 8, 2015 3
insert_link Transcripts Libs Have Power Because Conservative Libs Gave It To Them Conservative Liberals Having Paved The Way For The Left Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "If you want to go on a mission and go build houses in Mexico with your money and your time, please, by all means, do your Christian charity and go do it. If you want to go do like Gerard Butler in Machine Gun Preacher and you want to put your own little mercenary army together […] todayMay 13, 2014 5
insert_link Transcripts The U.S. Coast Guard in Antarctica-Do Terrorists Hate Penguins For Their Freedoms? "Did we colonize or make a territory out of Antarctica now? Oh, for heaven’s sake! Wait a minute, let me guess. We found some terrorists down there. You know what they found? They found that jihadis hate the penguins for their freedoms, that’s what they found." todayJanuary 6, 2014 5
Transcripts You Can’t Have Dual Sovereignty Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – As a matter of fact, what I’m about to say is going to be rejected by most of you. I’m going to get more hate mail on this, or more questions about [mocking] “You can’t possibly mean that! That’s not true!” Yes, it is, it most certainly is. How many of you know what dual sovereignty is? Raise your hand out there if you […] todayOctober 24, 2013 7
insert_link Transcripts 1833 Senate Debate – No Funding Authority Then, No Funding Authority Now Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I have this discussion here in the United States Senate. For those of you that do not believe or have been told or instructed by other radio or television shows or blogs that the United States Senate has a card to play in the Affordable Care Act and the funding of it, you have been misled. Check out today’s transcript for the rest… todaySeptember 26, 2013 8
insert_link Transcripts No Matter Who’s Running The Economy, It’s In The Red And Getting Worse Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – In what document, under what rule, under what act of Congress, under what amendment to the Constitution has any president ever acquired the power to “run the economy”? My reading of history, the president doesn’t have the power, shouldn’t have the power, and you shouldn’t want to confer it on him, yet here we are. Check out today’s transcript for the rest… todayAugust 9, 2013 6
insert_link Transcripts The Power Is With The People But We Have To Reclaim It First Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Franklin, you have swallowed whole, my friend, the red versus blue, right versus left, liberal versus conservative, Republican versus Democrat propaganda. It is nothing more than propaganda, my friend. They’re all equally corrupt. They are all equally and dispassionately involved in the redistribution of mammoth amounts of money that does not belong to them. They all routinely violate their oaths of office. They all […] todayJune 27, 2013 3
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1655
The CRUSADE Channel & Mike Church Show Achieve Milestone of Episode 2,000! Celebrate “Y2K-D” With Us!
The Constitution Hour Episode 13-Why Trump IS A Natural Born Citizen & Cruz Is Not-Why The Founders Chose republicanism Over Monarchy