
15 Results / Page 1 of 2


Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia-This Thanksgiving, Give Thanks For Conserving The Beautiful

Mandeville, LA - Conservatism in a postmodern moment must therefore be different than the conservatism that motivated Burke or Taft or Disraeli or Reagan. The school of conservatism that might be most fitted for this moment, is paradoxically, the one that is the one least inclined to modernity. This would be a form of conservatism known as traditionalist, espoused most prominently by Russell Kirk. James Matthew Wilson has grasped the Burkean […]

todayNovember 22, 2017 9


Wisdom Wednesday -Grace Is Available To Anyone

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I think that this is the biggest challenge in the modern world here.  I don’t think that you can convince anyone of anything.  I think that you can put something in front of them and their goodwill is either going to act positively upon it or it’s going to reject it.  And I think this is where modern conservatism also just takes it off […]

todayMarch 6, 2017 6


The Result of The Sexual Revolution

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "There's a line in the Roman Rite, right before you get to the Domine, non sum dignus, of the Centurions Creed, about I am not worthy.  There's a line in there where you acknowledge that you're about to receive the body and blood, the precious body and blood of Our Lord.  What is it that I could possibly do for you?"  Check out today’s […]

todayJanuary 2, 2017 1


Catholic Nuns Killed In Mississippi

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "A sad story to begin today’s broadcast, looking at the news digest.  A very sad story out of Mississippi today.  A pair of Roman Catholic nuns were murdered in a home in Holmes County, Mississippi."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  A sad story to begin today’s broadcast, looking at the news digest.  A very sad story […]

todaySeptember 7, 2016 7

Daily Clip

Mike Church Show FREE PREVIEW – Mike on the Joy of Truth Over Technology Or Comfort

Mandeville, LA - On February 4th's Mike Church Show, Mike discussed why happiness is not to be found in technology or comforts but in the joy of Truth. Listen to the FULL segment and much more by signing up as a Founder's Pass Member. [private |Founding Brother|Founding Father|FP-Lifetime] [/private] THE AWESOME BENEFITS OF JOINING THE VERITAS RADIO NETWORK REVOLUTION AND LISTENING TO THE NEW, MIKE CHURCH SHOW ON THE CRUSADE CHANNEL! - On […]

todayFebruary 4, 2016 3


Playboy Bails On The Porn They Began

Score = Sodom & Gomorrah 2137974, Modesty 0 Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Here’s the headline, “Playboy to Drop Nudity as Internet Fills Demand.”  Playboy Magazine is no longer going to feature photographs of naked women inside.  That is huge.  Ask me, Martin: Mike, why is that huge?"  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  This is actually published late Monday evening.  Here’s […]

todayOctober 20, 2015 7

Daily Clip

The Fallacy Of Progress – Why ‘Muricans Should Be Ecstatic Over “Wed Woses”

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – This is the deceit of the modern world, that nothing is beautiful, nothing is currently beautiful because it can be replaced by something that’s more beautiful.  When you go up to a rose and you smell that fragrance, you go: That’s beautiful.  When you look at the red rose, it’s beautiful.  When you look at the yellow rose, it’s beautiful.  It doesn’t need to […]

todaySeptember 22, 2015 5


Andrew Sullivan’s Take On Conservatism And Whether It Can Be Saved

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Well, open today’s Pile of Prep and you will find a link and a quote to a blog post written by Andrew Sullivan. Sullivan writes at The Dish, which is a website that he -- he used to write for The Atlantic. He went out on his own. He’s one of these guys that’s trying to be an independent and not have to work […]

todayOctober 31, 2013 7


Edmund Burke – The Age Of Chivalry Is Gone

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – In reflecting on what was happening in France in the French Revolution -- Burke was a cosmopolitan kind of guy, so he was an admirer of other countries and of other cultures. He was an admirer of the French. No one wanted to see what happened in France happen. Burke was one of the few that had the intellectual as well as spiritual knowledge […]

todayOctober 18, 2013 30
