
13 Results / Page 1 of 2


Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia-The Bells of Saint Mary’s No Longer Toll

Mandeville, LA - "The Chicago of my boyhood was an intensely Catholic city. Ask someone where he lived and he was likely to answer with the name of his parish (St. Nicholas of Tolentine, St. Gregory’s). Catholic culture was everywhere in the country a hundred-fold stronger then than now Catholic culture was everywhere in the country a hundred-fold stronger then than now, and the Catholic atmosphere was especially strong in […]

todayJuly 31, 2018 31


Caller Wants ISIS to Follow Our Constitution, Mike Wants U.S. To Go 1st

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Caller Sal:  Mike, I have to take a second just to thank you for pushing our Constitution on the radio like you do.  My question is, and I don’t want to sound childish, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if the whole world followed our Constitution?  My thing is -- Mike:  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the United States followed our Constitution?  You can’t expect the rest of […]

todayAugust 29, 2014 21


Not All Of Chicago Is Bad – Community Is As Community Does

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The citizens have to keep the peace. It’s not the cops that keep the peace in places where it’s peaceful; it’s the citizens practicing Christian humility and love toward one another that keep the peace. It is not the police. The police are there for the rare occasion when a law is broken and they must execute the law. If you have to rely […]

todaySeptember 27, 2013 9


Where Are The Trayvon-Style Rallies To Stop Gun Violence In Chicago?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Where’s the Reverend Al? Where are all the people out there rallying for justice? Where’s the justice for these people? There are six dead, 23 wounded. Where’s the rally? Why aren’t they rallying in Chicago? Why aren’t you marching through the streets looking for the perps? Hasn’t an awful, horrific injustice been done here? I think it has. Why aren’t these young people’s lives […]

todayJuly 22, 2013 10


Book of NSA 2:19 – Thus Sayeth the Sheeple “If You Don’t Have Anything to Hide, What Are You So Worried About?” and They Were Happy

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – If culture says, “No big deal. Who cares? We have no expectation of privacy. You guys need to shut up and stop railing against it,” then you’re going to have a state that is going to do exactly what is permissible. Designing men are always going to accrue power where there is least resistance for it. If they can acquire and accrue that power, […]

todayJune 17, 2013 6


Instead Of Outsourcing Parking, Cities Should Offer Leases To Private Property Owners

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – My proposition is very simple. I don’t have an issue or a problem with an incorporated city managing any property that they own and selling parking services. What I have a problem with and what I have suggested is what the city ought to do is get out of the business, totally out of the business of parking. Just get out of it. Fire […]

todayMay 30, 2013 8


President Obama Fails To Address The Cause Of Inner City Violence And Poverty

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Is it then possible that poverty is not an economic condition in life, that one of the symptoms of it may be lack of financial mobility or success? But don’t we have enough evidence around us to show it is far more likely that poverty is a moral and existential condition, that it is brought about by a lack of values and a lack […]

todayMay 20, 2013 7


Michelle Obama Joins The Gun Control Bandwagon, Using Children As Pawns Of Course

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – We all know the story. It’s a sad, tragic story. Again, they had a handgun ban in Chicago. It didn’t save that little girl’s life. Do you really think background checks or gun registries for the madman that took that little girl’s life would have saved it? Please. There’s just something really, really -- it is disconcerting to see children manipulated and used in […]

todayApril 11, 2013 6


Big Sis Won’t Take Our Guns, She’ll Just Label Us All Terrorists

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - They fear, and I believe they’re correct, that ultimately the police state is going to try and track every single solitary transaction, and to write laws that make it illegal to act outside the way they want you to do it. If you do that, brother, Big Sis Napolitano can then classify you as some sort of a militant. That’s how they’re going to […]

todayJanuary 18, 2013 4
