Pile Of Prep Raading Tea Leaves and Reading GDP Give DeceptiCON Soothsayers The Power To Predict The Election "The end of days" is an often repeated phrase as is "the fiscal cliff" we are inexorably careening toward but as Russell Kirk told us, decades ago, nothing is inevitable so long as there remains the possibility to restore faith-based virtue New "modeling" predicts a .005% victory for Romney in November WSJ: finally sees the light: When government intervened to "fix" our "money problem" in our elections THEY began the […] todaySeptember 25, 2012 11
Pile Of Prep The Great, Aristocratic, Gentlemanly, Southern Tradition Goes Bye Bye With Boo Boo Honey Boo Boo make the biggest boo boo of all: normalizing white trash and continuing the assault of the Southern Tradition Machiavelli Lives: Obama jokingly castigates himself for not paying enough in taxes so he can viciously castigate Romney According to the amount of FedEx Shipments, the recession began this summer New Orleans, the City That Knowledge Forgot: N.O. tour guides claim the first Amendment protects their right to botch […] todaySeptember 24, 2012 9
Pile Of Prep The Last [r]epublican, Gore Vidal, RIP Gore Vidal played the the professor who lectured Joe Pesci on the Constitution in "With Honors", he was one of the U.S.'s great men of letters He would return us, if possible, to the pure republicanism of early America - Jay Parini on Vidal's "Selected Essays" Randerference: Rand Paul, in his greatest feat of political navigation yet, guides Paulbots to Romney while beefing up the Tea Party VIDEO: Ron Paul's […] todayAugust 3, 2012 24
insert_link Founders Television Kurt Wallace on Ron Paul Support in Louisiana [private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio - Join us on today's [r]epublican radio podcast for an interview with Kurt Wallace as he discusses Ron Paul's support in Louisiana, the main stream media's reaction to what is going on, and we answer the question "is this the last chance for liberty"? Be sure and check out the rest of the podcast for the news digest, with plenty of news […] todayAugust 2, 2012 12
Pile Of Prep When Chicken Becomes Scott Brown- Chick Fil-A Will “do it” for Conservatives, Like Scott Brown Did Chick Fil-a protests: "An experience of community that you rarely have these days" - sums up the reports flowing in from around the US of A What "Support Chick Fil-a Day" REALLY means: 10 million people, tired of being told that the way they think is a crime against PeeCee humanity, struck a blow for free expression, regulated by Christian doctrine FLASHBACK: Clint Eastwood doesn't give a ****** about gay […] todayAugust 2, 2012 10
insert_link Founders Television The Tan Man Makes Yet Another Deal to Lock in Deficit Spending [private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio - On today's [r]epublican radio podcast we discuss John Boehner making a deal with Harry Reid to lock in deficit spending and ballooning national debt… because we could be campaigning while there's another government shutdown going on now could we? Also on the show we talk more about Chick-fil-a and many more stories. Join us for the news digest, the monologues, and […] todayAugust 1, 2012 5
Pile Of Prep SOLD OUT: Boehner Brokers New “Spending Deal” With Harry Reid Angry White Male makes a comeback as Romney notices 20 point lead among white voters Michael Phelps becomes the most decorated medalist in Olympic history putting an eerie, temporary, kibosh on the US's slog into redistribution Jack Hunter points out that the Libertarian movement has a nasty habit of eating its young, eschewing political victories that come with requisite compromises DeceptiCONNED, there's no A in Boehner: The Tan Man makes […] todayAugust 1, 2012 12
Pile Of Prep Republicans: Acting Like Statists Since 1988 – Except When Actual Statists Have the White House What would "conservatism" look like if "conservatives" from the past were actually consulted? Brion McClanahan and Clyde Wilson have the answer in "Forgotten Conservatives in American History" AGAIN: Incorporating the 2nd Amendment is what gives Congress the newfound power to "grab your guns" 16 year old Chinese girl smashes her own records, beats Ryan Lochte and sets a world record in swim event that we're supposed to believe is the […] todayJuly 31, 2012 24
Pile Of Prep One Man One Vote Gets Unless Your Vote Is For Ron Paul-LA GOP Refuses To Send Paul Delegates to RNC LA GOP refuses to send Ron paul delegates-duly ELECTED delegates-to National Convention. This will set off a massive nationwide revolt against the Romney campaign that it can ill afford Ron Paul 2012 campaign to challenge the results but what they should do is encourage the RP delegates to pull a 1964 Democrat Party manuever Steyn: The President of Chick Fil-A has the same position on gay marriage that President Obama […] todayJuly 30, 2012 6
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1809