
58 Results / Page 3 of 7



To War or Not To War, THAT is The Christian War-Hawk’s Quandary

"Perhaps the time has come for a similarly radical witness on warfare. Even though there remain compelling reasons to fight wars, just as there can be compelling reasons for abortion, the reasons in both cases simply cannot override the exceptionless prohibition against the deliberate killing of the innocent. Even just wars butcher shocking numbers of innocent soldiers caught up in them. Some readers of America probably considered one or both […]

todaySeptember 23, 2014 9

Gentleman's Corner

Gentleman’s Bootcamp-Reviving Christian Chivalry For The Sake of America

Pungo, VA - On Saturday evening past concerned Christian citizens met at the home of James & Lisa Cohen for Gentleman's Bootcamp I. Father Byrne of St Benedict's Catholic Church got us started with a prayer from St Ignatius of Loyola: Dearest Lord, teach me to be generous;teach me to serve You as You deserve;to give and not to count the cost,to fight and not to heed the wounds,to toil and not […]

todaySeptember 21, 2014 11


Radical Homosexuals Frame Catholic Family For Wedding, It’s War

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "There will be no more protection for religion.  You can’t have the secular state and Beelzebub running the show and saying that almost anything that one can imagine is permissible, and then have a religion or religious people that say: No, it’s not.  The two are going to clash.  You are going to have the secular atheists and they’re going to clash with the secular […]

todayAugust 29, 2014 9


The Result of Worshiping Lincoln

Police State Is No Surprise For A Country That Worships An Atheist Tyrant Lincoln Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Since we don’t have any problem using these weapons and using this methodology on people in Yemen on their way to weddings and what have you, why should we have any problem with it here when we have similar citizens that aren’t doing what we think they ought to be doing?" […]

todayAugust 26, 2014 6


Is Civilization Nothing But A Tax Scheme? If It Is, Do We Want A Refund?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – “What is civilization?  Is civilization worth defending?”  Why would someone ask a question like that?  There’s a reason why.  Let’s explore for a moment, shall we?  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  “What is civilization?  Is civilization worth defending?”  Why would someone ask a question like that?  There’s a reason why.  Let’s explore for a moment, shall we?  By […]

todayAugust 15, 2014 5

Daily Clip

Our Problem’s Not Illegals, It’s The Morality Border Between Good & Evil

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "What is shocking now is just the normalcy of stating to anyone: Yeah, I’m a single mom.  No big deal.  We’re doing all right.  You’re thinking, number one: Where’s the dad?  Where are all these dads?  Where are these young fellows out there?  You can’t just blame this on the girls.  As a matter of fact, I would say it is more the fault […]

todayJuly 22, 2014 9


What Fills The Void Where “good” Once Resided?

As Tradition Is Escorted To The Door, Evil Comes Across The Threshold To Replace It Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "You ought to do all that you can to try to abide the rule and encourage others to do that.  We do the exact opposite.  We tell people: No, no, that’s not a real rule.  That’s one of those fuddy-duddy rules, you know, when those Christian cats used to run […]

todayMay 20, 2014 12


The Music We Listen To Contributes To Libs’ Assault On Culture And Tradition

Only The Good Die Young Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Folks, this is sickness. This is a sickness.  It is a sickness of the soul.  It is a sickness that has now infected the body politic and it has infected almost every living soul in Western civilization.  I’m going to get to the story in a moment, but first I want to give you some anecdotal evidence of just […]

todayMay 13, 2014 19


HGTV To Jesus – You’re Fired!

Brothers David and Jason are just TOO Christian Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Now there are groups out there that are dedicated to monitoring who it is that’s being hired in any position of public station whatever.  They’re doing background checks on those individuals and then will produce reports and begin the extortion.  Just look for this to escalate, by the way.  In this instance here, we found out […]

todayMay 12, 2014 25
