Dear Leader

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Pile Of Prep

Patrick Henry, Founding Fathers, Warned Us Of Corrupt Senators Before The Constitution Was Ratified

Mandeville, LA-Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Founding Fathers, Christmas Spirit Fiscal Cliff abetted by corrupt Senators - goodness and other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "Does he advise us, in order to avoid this evil, to adopt a Constitution, which will enable such nations to obtain their ends by the more easy mode of contaminating the principles […]

todayDecember 21, 2012 7

Pile Of Prep

Dear Leader Sinks to New, Red Ink Low-Is Debt Party Over?

Gallup: Obama continues lead balloon sink to bottom of pool of red ink AND "Likely Voters" Pumpkin Head Frank Luntz's group of hacks: 16-1 break FOR Romney Buchanan: Who will win the clash of civilizations? as Muslims explode and Christians commit voluntary suicide of their faith & thus their civilization Larison: Has Romney done enough to mask his DeceptiCON hard-liner stance on foreign policy? That won't change the resulting carnage and […]

todayOctober 17, 2012 6

Pile Of Prep

When Did The Dirty Job Become A Dirty Word?

VIDEO: Romney continues the unbelievable mistake of thinking the country wants to elect a military commander who will war our way to supremacy & prosperity ISANITY: What would REALLY happend if the DeceptiCONS get their way and start a way with Israel against Iran? Nothing good and things quite tragic In the same interview Romney uses the same Constitution many people claim does not sanction an INDIVIDUAL mandate but somehow it […]

todaySeptember 10, 2012 11

Pile Of Prep

IT’S OFFICIAL: Hurricane Ron Will Not Amount To a Summer Breeze At The RNC

Signs of Life: Romney tops Dear Leader in Fox poll of likely voters Mish: If you think a currency crisis is coming you think correctly and here are the charts to prove it We're winning: Freshman Congressman GOP Mick Mulvaney wants to freeze then CUT DOD spending Ilana Mercer: NiallFerguson has doen one small service with his Newsweek cover story, explaining how you "can't fix stupid" Larison: Why must China […]

todayAugust 24, 2012 5

Pile Of Prep

Is It Dusk or Dawn For Ron Paul & His Gallant Campaign To Restore [r]epublicanism?

Ron Paul ends active campaigning, is this the END or just the BEGINNING of the Liberty and [r]epublican movements? UPDATE: Paul says he has NOT suspended his campaign What are Ron Paul's options now and what will his campaign winding down do to the remaining state delegate conventions? Only RP Knows for sure Congressmen press fake protests over unmanned drone "authorization", which implies some kind of federal role in local […]

todayMay 15, 2012 7

Pile Of Prep

Defending The Bake Sale Cash Cow Is No Substitute For Defending Junkfood Liberty

The state of  Taxachussetts bans sale of all baked good items at ALL schools and looks to extending the ban statewide; I wonder if Twinkies & Moonpies are legal in IRAN? Is the junk food ban the fault of RomneyCare's expensive and ultimately unsustainable commitment to provide health insurance to all? - MC Of course worldwide, non-stop abortions and the morality (or lack of) it requires produces will NEVER lead […]

todayMay 8, 2012 1
