insert_link Transcripts How Conservative Is It To Expect All Military Pension Promises Can Be Honored? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Well, what does conservative mean today? It means you’re willing to pile up bodies and blow things up in foreign countries that you can’t point to or can’t identify on a map. That’s what most conservatives think today. In other words, conservative today is being confused, or rather a super hyper-nationalist, a Jacobin is being confused today as a conservative." Check out today’s transcript […] todayJanuary 8, 2014 4
insert_link Transcripts Debt Makes The NSA & War Possible, The Fed Makes Debt, See The Problem? "There are a couple of ways you can think about the national legislature’s debt. One of the ways I suggest you think about it is that this is future pain. That’s what it is, future pain, future misery, and future tyranny. If there is an actual effort to pay the debt or to honor the commitments that make up part of the $222 trillion debt, that would then require a […] todayJanuary 6, 2014 7
insert_link Transcripts Clyde Wilson’s Forlorn Hopes Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Professor Clyde Wilson, one of the brightest and most brilliant historian minds around today, has this blog post at Chronicles Magazine. I always enjoy Dr. Wilson’s little rants here. I thought I would share this one with you today because it’s appropriate, under the title “Forlorn Hopes.” Check out today’s transcript for the rest… todayNovember 25, 2013 13
insert_link Transcripts If You Think $680 Billion Budget Deficit Is Big, Just Wait For Obamacare To Be Added Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – This is just getting started, just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Where’s the money going to come from? Is this new woman, Janet Yellen, is she going to get in the Federal Reserve and crank out another $80 billion a month to pay for this? We have to keep the stock market going. You gotta feed the monkey, you know, man. Is she […] todayNovember 14, 2013 4
insert_link Transcripts The Federal Leviathan Needs To Be Downsized Before This Last Train To Brokesville Derails Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Just to put this in perspective, this would mean that our mighty, gargantuan federal leviathan would have to exist on a paltry $1.2 trillion. In other words, it would have to exist on the expenditures of the last year of the Reagan administration, in 1989. Chew on that for a moment. Think about that. Then come back to me and tell me exactly how, […] todayOctober 24, 2013 27
insert_link Transcripts So Conservative Hysteria Is Good But Liberal Hysteria Is Bad? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I think part of the conservative exercise ought to be contemplation. Think about this. We derided and stood steadfastly against, mocked and impugned, and called every name in the book that we could to those “liberals” who promoted the hysterical idea that I talked about yesterday on the show and talked about three years ago on the show, that we had to have this […] todayOctober 23, 2013 9
insert_link Transcripts Caller David Says The End Is Near And The Bottom Will Fall Out Of America Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Folks, if you’re wondering what he’s talking about, here’s what happens. The borrowing authority is granted by lifting the so-called debt ceiling. Where does the money come from? Do you just print it off? That’s one way that you could do it. What generally happens is the Treasury Department tells all their buddies on Wall Street: We’re going to issue $110 billion in Treasury […] todayOctober 22, 2013 11
insert_link Transcripts The Mystery Of Life Is Gone – What’s Left Is Tax Burden On The Yet-to-be-Born Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Of course, with our scientific acumen and achievement, there is no mystery left, or we don’t think there’s any mystery. We certainly don’t believe that there is any external force above us that’s controlling any of this, which explains why you have the total lack -- watching the celebrations that are going on today and having listened to it all day yesterday as it […] todayOctober 21, 2013 6
insert_link Transcripts Leviathan Has Spent Your Money, Your Kids’ Money, Now Onto Spending Your Grandkids’ Money Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Let’s just sum up what has occurred in the month of October in 2013. The final attempt to repeal what is known as the Affordable Care Act has failed, and it has failed miserably. I mean, it has failed so demonstrably that there is little if anything that you could say, from a federal standpoint anyway, no concessions came out of it. Check out […] todayOctober 21, 2013 7
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757