Donald Trump

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Pile Of Prep

Thursday Pile of Prep-Heroic Alabama Judge Tells Sodomites “No”

Mandeville, LA - Today's Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel. 2016 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don't cost nuthin'). Sapientia et Veritas - "For too long, our society has allowed men to slip into narcissism, pornography and hurriedness, afflictions which […]

todayJanuary 7, 2016 11


Jeb Bush Has The Answer

Promises To End Crony Capitalism By Not Ending It Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "If we go to the pages of the Washington Examiner today, you’ll find a most – at first blush it may seem intriguing, but upon further review, it’s just another ridiculous cry for help, a desperate plea for attention from Jeb Bush.  Here’s the headline, “Jeb Bush: As president, I’ll end crony capitalism.”"  Check out […]

todayOctober 29, 2015 9


Big Media Has A Question For Trump

Will You Babysit Us When The Bad Guys Attack? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I also have in today’s Pile of Prep a couple stories that cover this feud between Donald Trump and Jeb Bush.  We talked about this a little in the last hour when I reiterated that despite what the polls currently say, Trump cannot be the Republican nominee.  Jeb Bush is talking more and more every […]

todayOctober 27, 2015 5


CNN, Fox Make Politics Into Bread And Circuses

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Folks, you may have seen this yesterday.  Mrs. Clinton decided to show up outside the Trump Hotel.  She decided to show up outside the Trump Hotel so that she could join a protest that was allegedly staged by employees of the Trump Hotel, who supposedly, according to Mrs. Clinton, had been clamoring to become unionized all these years."  Check out today’s transcript for the […]

todayOctober 22, 2015 5


When Did Conservatives Become Useful Idiots?

Useful Idiots Run The World Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "The problem is the amount of power and the responsibility that has been transferred to the federal leviathan monster that is perched on the banks of the Potomac River.  Taxes is its blood.  You and I have blood.  That living organism, that living entity has taxes.  That's what courses through its veins.  Altering the manner in which the taxes […]

todayOctober 13, 2015 10


Even If Rand Paul Was A Libertarian, The “Chirping Sectaries” Would Complain

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I am still a fan, promoter, and supporter of Senator Paul.  He’s one of the only honest, true voices in the United States Senate, and quite possibly has actually read the United States Constitution, may have even read some of the ratifying debates, and understands what a federal system is supposed to be.  Do I have some differences?  Yes.  Some things I disagree with, […]

todayOctober 6, 2015 8

Daily Clip

Conservatives Must Divorce GOP, Turn To Philosophy And Republicanism

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The Perry for President campaign is the first casualty of Trumpzilla.  I think actually the greatest casualty of campaign 2016 has and will be that conservatism, if it is going to survive, is going to have to divorce itself from the Republican Party.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. FOLKS, a message from Mike - The Audio Clip of The Day files, Project 76 […]

todaySeptember 23, 2015 6


Two-Thirds Of Conservatives Tell Republicans You’re Fired So They Can Back Creator Of You’re Fired

  Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I mentioned in the opening, during the playing of the opening music, that Trumpzilla, that screaming, howling monster created by the logical end result of the unintelligible conservative movement and its arc throughout, it's sloppy, nasty, reckless, brainless arc throughout the last 30 years, Trump is the ultimate result.  Trumpzilla is the ultimate result.  Now Trumpzilla must fight the newest monster that has […]

todaySeptember 21, 2015 7


Jindal Has Trumpzilla Figured Out – Why Doesn’t Bubba Gump?

  Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I'm reading the closed captioning and Governor Jindal is saying -- I think he's saying, if they're translating that correctly for the closed captioning -- he's saying that Trump is a circus act, something about: We got to end this.  Jindal says: This is not summer.  It's not fun anymore.  The fun has worn off.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. FOLKS, […]

todaySeptember 21, 2015 4
