insert_link Transcripts The American Pharmaceutical Industry Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "You might have noticed, folks, that white people are basically killing themselves. We’re doing this by abortion. We’re doing this by contraception. We’re doing this by actually killing ourselves. People are taking their lives. Suicide rates are up. What’s going on here?" Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike: Writes John Daniel Davidson: [reading] Nearly a decade ago, […] todaySeptember 7, 2016 6
insert_link Founders Television The Police State Is Drunk On Its Own Authority Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - And this includes illegal and unwarranted searches... inside your body. In the first broadcast episode of "South Park" Eric Cartman & cast obsessed over whether visiting aliens were giving the locals "anal probes", that was TV and THIS IS REALITY: New Mexico police in search of "drugs" torture man for 14 hours including 2 anal probes. The "war on drugs" is out […] todayJune 9, 2015 13
insert_link Transcripts Rep. Steve King’s Illegal Immigration Comments – Insensitive Or Honest? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I don’t understand what the big deal is here. What he said was one of the things that I thought, one of the problems I thought citizens of Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico actually wanted and want to be dealt with, which is the issue of all the contraband that comes across their borders and is brought across the borders by illegals. He may […] todayJuly 26, 2013 7
insert_link Transcripts Time For a Braunier MLB? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – If you’re going to pursue this from a naturalist point of view, is the sports-going, ESPN-digesting public going to be okay with baseball players that can’t hit the kind of homeruns that you can hit today, that can’t have -- you know what’s funny about this, or what’s interesting to me is that records like DiMaggio’s hitting streak, for example. We don’t know, we […] todayJuly 23, 2013 24
insert_link Transcripts Big Government Prevails Again – Plan B Pill Available To Anyone, Anytime Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Once they got all this set into motion, the continuation of science creaming, absolutely slaughtering faith in the public square was accentuated. There were court cases that made sure this was the mantra that Americans should chortle and repeat. They have been working on this for over a hundred years now and it’s all about to come to fruition. Check out today’s transcript for […] todayJune 12, 2013 17
insert_link Transcripts Laurence Vance On Legalizing Hemp And Just War Theory Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Here we are in the most advanced society ever in the history of the world, we’re told, but we have a national legislature that feels compelled to tell us we’re not adults and making ropes and smocks and other things is a gateway fabric, I guess. Can you explain a little about what’s going on with the gateway fabric that is hemp and some […] todayMarch 4, 2013 27
insert_link Founders Television Bill O’Reilly Wants Control of Your TV AND Body [private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - Does Bill O'Reilly know a crack-head when he sees one? Well, whether he does or not he wants the Gubbmint to consider all sales of harmful substances a "violent act". So Mr. O'Reilly wants us to return to prohibition? What about all of the nice bartenders that have waited on me at my local pub? Should they all be […] todayAugust 8, 2012 4
insert_link Transcripts Interview with Gary Johnson Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Interview - Governor Gary Johnson on the Dude Maker Hotline with us. Governor, does it concern you that it seems both of the major parties seem not to care about how our wars are waged, how they are declared, and how we continue fighting them? Even up to this moment right now, there are people that don’t have a decision to make when it comes to […] todayJuly 12, 2012 30
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757