
63 Results / Page 3 of 7



Caller Steve: ObamaCare Makes His Insurance $6,900 More Expensive

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "If we’re looking for any kind of a silver lining from the ObamaCare implementation, and I’m not promoting this as a silver lining, and no, I’m not happy about it.  What I said was, in the first hour, that the implementation of the Affordable Care Act has lifted the shroud on what this stuff actually costs.  People are shocked.  They are shocked at what it […]

todayDecember 2, 2013 7


Interview With Kevin Gutzman On Obamacare

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Yesterday, I’m sure you have seen some or all of the president’s wielding of his scepter at his press conference yesterday, asserting he was granting all these insurers and the states this power to alter their plans and basically I guess to ignore what is actually in the Affordable Care Act. I asked you in an email exchange: Is there any precedent for this? […]

todayNovember 15, 2013 10


Caller David Says The End Is Near And The Bottom Will Fall Out Of America

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Folks, if you’re wondering what he’s talking about, here’s what happens. The borrowing authority is granted by lifting the so-called debt ceiling. Where does the money come from? Do you just print it off? That’s one way that you could do it. What generally happens is the Treasury Department tells all their buddies on Wall Street: We’re going to issue $110 billion in Treasury […]

todayOctober 22, 2013 11


The U.S. Has Been Defaulting On Its Debt For Years And That’s Not Changing Anytime Soon

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – If we go back to October the 11th, interview given by James Grant of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer, you would have found this posted at the Washington Compost under the headline “Has The United States Ever Defaulted?” Grant’s answer is: Yes, and it’s going to default again; it’s inevitable. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayOctober 17, 2013 13


Default Deschmalt – The Sun Will Rise, The Moon Will Shine, And The Debt Will Still Be There

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Anthony Sanders, our friend the economist at George Mason’s Mercatus Center has been blogging about this. I asked him for some charts yesterday and he put charts together. You can find them in today’s Pile of Prep under the headline “Confounded Interest,” what Sanders says about the shutdown. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayOctober 17, 2013 5


A Dysfunctional Citizenry Concerned About Their Dysfunctional Government

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – We’re going to step into the King Dude’s wayback machine and go back two days ago to the Gallup organization’s website. If you were perusing that particular poll on who it is that is to blame for the temporary interruption in non-essential wealth transfer payments, you may have stumbled upon this oxymoron: “Dysfunctional Government Surpasses Economy as Top U.S. Problem.” I couldn’t stop laughing […]

todayOctober 15, 2013 6

Founders Television

Consumerism Will Save The American Economy!

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - There's a headline at that says that "Can US Consumers Save The Economy?". But isn't consumerism what's wrong with America? Isn't there another school of thought, from Wilhelm Röpke and others, that says that consuming will not get us out of debt? So this article is nothing more than an attempt at trying to get Americans to try and get their […]

todayOctober 15, 2013 6


Why We’re Called to Give The Shirts Off Our Backs To The Poor & The Government Isn’t

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – To say financial ruin and financial decline is in our future if we don’t borrow more money is to equate our financial enterprises with debt and with government servitude.  God calls us to Give The Shirts Off Our Backs to the poor. Is that worthy of a manly sentiment from free people or is that a bunch of people who probably lost their way […]

todayOctober 14, 2013 9


A Government Bailout Is NOT Economic Activity

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The economic pain that is being felt is not actual economic pain.  This is what drives me nuts about this.  It is the actions of the State that are going to be curtailed, which are different than the actions of the private sector, as it is known.  Why isn’t that being said?  Check out today’s transcript for the rest… Begin Mike Church Show Transcript […]

todayOctober 14, 2013 5
