
71 Results / Page 1 of 8


Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia-Not Every ‘Murican Is A Potential Scholar

Mandeville, LA - "Our [education] system is based upon the assumption, popularly regarded as implicit in the doctrine of equality, that everybody is educable. This has been taken without question from the beginning; it is taken without question now. The whole structure of our system, the entire arrangement of its mechanics, testifies to this. Even our truant laws testify to it, for they are constructed with exclusive reference to school-age, […]

todaySeptember 10, 2018 9


“Conserving America?: Essays on Present Discontents” – Patrick Deneen

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "My special guest is Patrick Deneen, the author.  His latest book is called Conserving America?: Essays on Present Discontents. You were mentioning Chesterton earlier, speaking of fish.  It’s either in Orthodoxy or What’s Wrong with the World.  There’s one paragraph in there when he writes about the dead float downstream with the current.  Only the living can swim upstream." Check out today’s transcript for […]

todayFebruary 6, 2017 28


Higher Education Now Includes Coloring

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Of course, if our goal were really to educate our children, then we would drop all public schools.  They would end tomorrow morning.  Our infatuation with this self-imposed regulatory system known as K-12 would also end."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript [reading] The recent antics at the nation’s universities have led people to expect almost anything from […]

todayNovember 9, 2016 9

Pile Of Prep

Veritas et Sapientia-Modern Education Is The Mumbo-Jumbo Of Our Imbecilic Age

Mandeville, LA - [Editor's Note: Malcolm Muggeridge was one of the 20th century's most prolific authors and media personalities but professed himself agnostic until the early 1960's. By 1966 and the time of this essay he was a convert to Christianity and by 1981 he and his wife had joined the Catholic Church. Read his biography in our colleague Joseph Pearce's "Literary Converts". - MC] "Nor, as far as I […]

todaySeptember 1, 2016 5


The Quest For Shakespeare

Some Things Are Worth Contemplation Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Speaking of contemplation, let’s go to the Dude Maker Hotline and say hello to our friend Joseph Pearce, who is the editor in chief of the magnificent St. Austin Review, a writer at The Imaginative Conservative website."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  It is contemplation that would sober people up here.  […]

todayApril 8, 2016 9


Sad Lunatics: Advocates For Anarchy Practice Anarchy In Thinking

Posted by Mike Church on Friday, February 5, 2016 Mandeville, LA - I published a link to a short film that generated some conversation on anarchy and authority on this page. (see above). The resulting comments illustrate the mental damage that has been inflicted on modern man via error filled philosophies; we call this "education" but that term is perverted to the point that perverts would blush at not having visited perversions upon […]

todayFebruary 8, 2016 5


Funding Public Schools, Time For A Taxpayer Revolt

  Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "In the State of Louisiana, I know that the state has said that it requires about $13,000 per year to education one child in public schools, something to that effect.  That usually then does not include all the other accoutrement: books, pencils, paper, chalk; and for the most part also does not include sporting events and the booster teams that support the sporting […]

todayOctober 19, 2015 9


Caller Steve – ‘Dads Need To Grow A Set And Fix The Problem’

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "It would take an act of cultural heroism to avoid the simmering, stinking, festering cesspool that we’re surrounded by that we call a culture today.  Since it doesn’t cultivate anything other than demonism, I struggle to even call it a culture.  We’re surrounded by it.  You can’t live and place yourself in public almost anywhere, save maybe inside a church and then sometimes even […]

todayOctober 7, 2015 12


Hillary’s Plan Has To Be A Cruel Joke

  Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You must be really desperate to resort to hackneyed, worn out, already trotted out and tried central planning schemes disguised as self-help efforts in a presidential campaign.  I speak, of course, of Mrs. Clinton’s latest sop to the few remaining central economic and central social planners out there that still think there's some work for them to do.  Check out today’s transcript for […]

todayAugust 13, 2015 8
