insert_link Daily Clip The Faith of Our Fathers – The Remedy For Our Political Woes Isn’t Voting Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I do not believe that you can “fix this” because the “this” that you’re dealing with is going to resist being fixed. It currently outnumbers you. Besides that, the “this” is, by and large, despite the loudmouths that love to say that they oppose all this, they really don’t. We sheepishly and meekly go along with all this. We continue participating materially and complicitly in […] todayAugust 8, 2014 2
insert_link Transcripts Stopping Obamacares BEFORE They Occur It Takes a Virtuous Society to RIGHT Government Wrongs Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "It’s about the depressing lack of patriarchy, especially when it comes to a morally-rooted, God-fearing patriarchy. The man is supposed to be the head of the household. I know that the feminists have taught you the exact opposite. That’s the feminist, secular point of view. They’re wrong. All those metrosexuals running around the countryside these […] todayJuly 30, 2014 10
Transcripts T.H. Pickett Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "We have seen just how a people who once prefaced their founding documents with a statement on the importance of domestic tranquility, i.e., the maintenance of existing relations, can be seduced by a contrary world view within the space of two centuries, so that they are led into a perpetual crusade to transform the world while supporting their government’s internal drive to implement a […] todayJune 16, 2014 7
Daily Clip Stop Apologizing For Injecting God Into Public Conversations Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – We’ve got to stop apologizing for faith. We have to stop doing that. Man does not have the freaking answer. If man had the answer, we would be living in utopia right now. There would be no problems, none. Check out today’s transcript for the rest… Daily Clip Preview [private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76] [/private] Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike: Todd in Texas, you’re next. Caller […] todayMay 27, 2014 8
Transcripts Marriage Is For Bringing Forth Children, Not Buying TVs Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "From today’s Pile of Prep you’ll find this at The Imaginative Conservative website yesterday, Joseph Pearce, who is the author of one of the latest and best books, a biography of Alexander Solzhenitsyn. It’s on my reading list. It’s all too often forgotten in these heady days of socially-engineered change that children are always the bottom-line. Their absence leads to an aging population in the […] todayMay 19, 2014 8
insert_link Transcripts HGTV To Jesus – You’re Fired! Brothers David and Jason are just TOO Christian Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Now there are groups out there that are dedicated to monitoring who it is that’s being hired in any position of public station whatever. They’re doing background checks on those individuals and then will produce reports and begin the extortion. Just look for this to escalate, by the way. In this instance here, we found out […] todayMay 12, 2014 25
insert_link Transcripts What Was Once A Sacrilege Is Now Sacred The Broken Moral Compass Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "There are a couple of problems with this, and one of them is that we’re not taught these things any longer. You can’t abide them if you don’t know them. In most instances, it’s not that people are heretics out there. It’s that what ought to be taught isn’t any longer, and it’s because it’s not fashionable. The one thing that […] todayMay 11, 2014 6
insert_link Church Doctrine There’d Be No “Anti-Gay”, If Gays Were “Anti-Social” Mandeville LA - Only in 2014 America could a “religious restoration” act be pegged as “anti-gay”, to be used onlyby “bigots”. You see, a group of MS based chefs plan to take their condemnation of the law with them to New York City this July for a protest dinner. The “Big Gay Mississippi Welcome Table” as it is billed will feature “polite southern activism with food” according to organizer, chef […] todayMay 6, 2014 7
Transcripts Jeff Wallace – In God We Trusted Interview With Jeff Wallace author of "In God We Trusted" Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "No law can be valid, as you said, unless it is in order with the higher law that has been handed down. This is one of the things that men knew. We knew this. All the way up to the progressives, we said: We’ve got to stop them from knowing that, because if we don’t, […] todayMay 6, 2014 7
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757