
17 Results / Page 2 of 2


Daily Clip

Father’s Job is to Get Kids to Heaven

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - As a priest explained to me one day, your job as a father in your house is the same as my job. Your job is to get those women and children to heaven. That is your job. That is your number one job, to get them to heaven. I expounded on that by saying the other job of all the men listening […]

todayJune 11, 2015 11


Obama Misses The Mark

Guilt By Association NYPD Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Look at the contrast between the misguided, violent, wannabe rapper perpetrator and the very mild-mannered, tutored and mentored by father who is now dead of Officer Ramos.  Look at the contrast there.  What’s the difference between the perp and the surviving son?  Probably the father."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  The definition of […]

todayJanuary 7, 2015 11

Gentleman's Corner

When Gal Queda Exploits Little Girls Ask The Question: WHERE Are The Fathers?

Mandeville, LA - Our Lord spoke lovingly of "The little ones" and our responsibility to get them to heaven. Consider then the vile, mortal sin being committed WITH children in this video to "promote feminism" produced by the neo-pagans at a website called FCKH8.com. Folks, I WARN YOU NOT TO WATCH THIS VIDEO but to take my word for it that you have never witnessed such depravity in your life. It is one […]

todayOctober 23, 2014 13

Daily Clip

Our Problem’s Not Illegals, It’s The Morality Border Between Good & Evil

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "What is shocking now is just the normalcy of stating to anyone: Yeah, I’m a single mom.  No big deal.  We’re doing all right.  You’re thinking, number one: Where’s the dad?  Where are all these dads?  Where are these young fellows out there?  You can’t just blame this on the girls.  As a matter of fact, I would say it is more the fault […]

todayJuly 22, 2014 9

Daily Clip

Boy Scouts Need Real Gentlemen To Lead Them

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Most boys look up to their fathers. If dad is a good gentleman and has a good vocabulary and does those things that gentlemen ought to do, there’s a very good chance the son is going to pick up on all that because he wants to be like his father. Again, we’re at the crisis point here where it requires a male, un-metrosexual, to […]

todayFebruary 6, 2013 13
