federal judiciary

23 Results / Page 1 of 3



Gutzman-Church Samuel Chase Impeachment Trial Part I – Congress CAN Put Kibosh On Feds Hearing Homosexual Marriage Cases

NOTE: This piece was originally published on Nov 10, 2014 Gutzman - Congress Can And SHOULD Put The Kibosh On Federal Courts Hearing Homosexual Marriage Cases Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Yes, there is this one mechanism that the federal congress could use to address this problem but it almost certainly won’t.  There is another way that the Congress can address the issue, and that’s by restricting federal courts’ jurisdiction, […]

todayJuly 30, 2023 39


Episode 322 – Immigration, Travel Ban, RINOcare

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – If you’re coming here from Libya, you don’t have a First Amendment protection to immigrate.  Do you realize how preposterous this is?  You might as well say: We reserve the right to import new people into our state under the good and plenty clause of the Constitution.  Maxine Waters said it one time.  Go look it up.  She actually did, good and plenty clause.  […]

todayApril 14, 2018 8


Neil Gorsuch’s Confirmation Hearings

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "There were no confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court of the United States until 1932, not one.  So how were all the judges confirmed, became Supreme Court justices?  Very simply.  The president nominates them.  The members of the committee or Senate review or analyze the judge’s record or what it is that he has written previously or how he’s ruled, etc., etc., and they […]

todayApril 7, 2017 11


The Executive Branch Requires The President’s Acquiescence

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "What we have here now, folks, and we saw this on charade, on theatrical display yesterday in the Comey and Admiral Mike Rogers alleged investigation, hearing, testimony, whatever you wish to call it, is you have all three branches now – the sad part about this is at some level, the executive branch requires the president’s acquiescence.  It requires him to acknowledge some of […]

todayApril 6, 2017 9


LGBTQ Highlights Magazine

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Did you know that almost every, I think it was every state, maybe every state save one or two, had laws on their books against sodomy?  This wasn’t something that was happenstance.  Anywhere you would have went, you would have found, on the law books, there would have been rules or laws against sodomy."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church […]

todayNovember 19, 2016 22


Trump Is Not The Moron The Media Makes Him Out To Be

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I don’t know the entire details of the story, but I do know that there is something to the charge that the judge is out of control, or that the judge has not been acting in the most prudent and unbiased manner.  Remember, he’s a judge.  He’s supposed to have a blindfold on.  He’s not supposed to be able to see anyone." Check out […]

todaySeptember 9, 2016 10


The EVIL That Parades Around In Black Robes – SCOTUS

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Justice Clarence Thomas yesterday wrote a dissenting opinion ripping apart the court’s tendency to bend over backwards to accommodate abortions.  Here are eight of the sickest burns in that opinion."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  Justice Clarence Thomas yesterday wrote a dissenting opinion ripping apart the court’s tendency to bend over backwards to accommodate abortions.  Here […]

todayJuly 8, 2016 6


No Life, No Liberty

Interview With Dr. Greg Brannon Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Dr. Greg Brannon is on the Dude Maker Hotline with us on a bright and beautiful Tuesday morning.  Doc, how are you?"  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  Dr. Greg Brannon is on the Dude Maker Hotline with us on a bright and beautiful Tuesday morning.  Doc, how are you? Dr. Greg […]

todayJune 11, 2015 6


Who Is Actually Being Defiant?

Alabama Legislature Takes A Stand Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "What is the truth of the matter?  The truth of the matter is that the Alabama legislature was correct.  The Alabama Supreme Court and the Supreme Court justice that said the legislature was correct and he was not going to enforce the law, they were correct.  It was the federal judiciary that was defiant.  It’s the federal judiciary that is […]

todayMarch 16, 2015 24
