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Pile Of Prep

Tuesday Pile of Prep-The New FANG Invades “Podcasting”

Veritas et Sapientia - "To abolish the Electoral College would derogate from federalism, a principle of American politics which must be vigorously upheld, especially in these days of behemothic governmental growth. This political perspective (fearing power and upholding principles which limit such power), while not uniquely Catholic, ought to be routinely Catholic." - Deacon James Toner Mandeville, LA - Today's Pile of Prep: all of the stories and research used to […]

todayApril 2, 2019 17

Daily Clip

Its The Scale Stupid-Why The Cult of Big’s Monopolies Must End! – The Mike Church Show

To Listen To Or Download This Episode Click HERE Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:19 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE The Founders Tradin’ Post now offers “group discounts”. Do you have a Latin Mass Society or Bible study group? Contact the store manager and she will get you a discount code specifically for YOUR group. 7:37 7:47 7:56 Human Scale - […]

todayNovember 28, 2018 7

Founding Father John Taylor Clip

Daily Clip

Facebook Becomes NSA, BMI Best Friend While Invading Everyone’s Privacy

"Facebook has married the Shazam technology, although they claim it’s their own, with their own mobile app. For those of you that think it’s necessary to fill the rest of the world in on what -- like my brother, for example, who thinks everyone needs to know every move he makes. It’s like a Police song, [singing] “Every move you make…” Everywhere the boy goes, he’s got to announce it […]

todayMay 29, 2014 5

Founders Television

“Hey Everyone, Just Got a New Data Center, Please Text Me Your Contact Info! K THNX!” -NSA

One of the activities that will continue to be funded, that no one seems to care about, is the NSA spyfare state. The NSA is collecting millions of contacts from YOUR e-mail and instant message address books, not just in the United States, but world wide. During a single day the NSA can collect info on hundreds of thousands e-mail addresses from multiple services. Why do they need contact info […]

todayOctober 17, 2013 5


Secret Courts, Corporatism, Congress Run Amok – Welcome To Amurika!

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I want to take you now to the Guardian UK, the American online edition, Glenn Greenwald writing Friday, “Email service used by Edward Snowden shuts itself down, warns against using US-based companies.” The reputation of the United States continues to sink around the world, and that’s not my doing and it’s not Ron Paul’s doing, it’s not Lew Rockwell’s doing, and it’s not anyone […]

todayAugust 13, 2013 6

The Constitution

Senator DeMint: The Constitution’s Defender

Let me get to Senator Jim DeMint. Now, I am proud to say that last week on this show I did a whole hour here on the GIVE Act, the Generational Investment and Volunteerism Enterprise, I think it’s called, the GIVE Act. This is the act that will create the Obamabot Army and pay them to volunteer. I mean, it’s insidious, ladies and gentlemen. It is also the act that […]

todayJune 24, 2013 5


NSA Surveillance Was Approved By Congress To Fight The Enemy . . . The American People

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The Fourth Amendment is just in case they exceed their authority or someone is tempted. Remember that the amendments are inserted to further regulate the powers, to further conscript the powers of the new general government. That’s the doctrine. That’s what the preamble to the Bill of Rights says. The amendment is there to inhibit or prohibit the creation of the agency or the […]

todayJune 17, 2013 12


Nothing Is Private Anymore, And Americans Are Okay With That

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I tell you what, this terrorism racket is the national security gift that just keeps on giving the whole decade long, maybe the whole millennia long. If we could just find this Mohammed character, if we could silence that guy, then we could end all this, couldn’t we? Oh, wait, he’s a prophet and a spirit, a god. Yeah, he died back in the […]

todayJune 13, 2013 10


Is James Rosen Guilty Of Espionage Or Just Doing His Job?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – As the news was breaking yesterday that it was James Rosen, investigative reporter extraordinaire for Fox News, in 2009 he had been targeted by the Department of Injustice. Did you read the story? Did you read what they did to him? Were you following the surveillance -- Rosen was speaking with a South Korean. The South Korean, whose last name was Kim, was allegedly […]

todayMay 21, 2013 14
