gun control

50 Results / Page 2 of 6



Northern Colorado Is Going republican

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – They act as though the State of Colorado owns the citizens of northern Colorado, and that the citizens of northern Colorado are not sovereign political entities in and of their own right should they choose to be. Folks, this is the law of nations. This is what 18th and 19th century republicanism is all about. It is all about gathering together and forming, through […]

todayAugust 21, 2013 7


Juror B37 Says Zimmerman Case Wasn’t About Race

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I have three and a half minutes of it from AC360 last night. The entire interview, I think, was probably, I don’t have a rough time on it but it was the majority of the show. He asked many what I thought were pretty good questions. Juror number B37’s answers may surprise you. I’m just going to start where I picked up with it. […]

todayJuly 16, 2013 8


American Exceptionalism And Double Standards

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – We must guard against American militia members because we’re all a bunch of kooks and radical nutjobs that can’t be trusted with a rocket-propelled grenade and semiautomatic weapons and what have you. Our Middle Eastern Islamic counterpart, there are militia groups that the federal government does love and admire and believes needs to be armed. I think we strain the definition of the word […]

todayJune 14, 2013 10


North Colorado Secession Could Mean A 51st State Or A Monaco In Middle America

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Do you people actually have the unmitigated gall and audacity to defy your state overlords and to tell them to go pound sand, that your resources are your own, that your guns are your own, that your rights granted from God are your own and are not theirs to toy and monkey around with because they live in rotting cesspools of large cities and […]

todayJune 11, 2013 23

Founders Television

No Matter What You Think of Maryland’s Gun Control Act… They’re Still Practicing [r]epublicanism

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - The NRA will sue to reverse Maryland gun control act but Maryland is acting like a [r]epublican, sovereign-state should, as Incorporationistas rejoice. Even though most readers will oppose this act, and for good reason, but the course of action is not to force Maryland to incorporate the second amendment. We do not promote this gun control act, but if it is what […]

todayJune 3, 2013 11


Representative Republic Vs. Pure Democracy

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The Public Policy Polling Institute is out with a new poll that claims that people that live in red states and Southern states are clamoring, foaming at the mouth for the federal leviathan to pass all kinds of fancy, restrictive, tyrannical new gun background check laws. By overwhelming majorities you people are pining away for this. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayMay 30, 2013 11


2nd Amendment Fight Isn’t The End, It’s The Wake-Up Call To Rethinking The Union

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – When the Constitution was ratified, the guy who actually wrote the “We the people” script and actually wrote the four original parchment paper pages that hold the original text of the original Constitution, Gouverneur Morris, he went to his grave convinced that his grandchildren would not live in an American Union consecrated under a Constitution. It is nothing short of an absolute miracle or […]

todayMay 10, 2013 9


Media Has Duped Americans Again, This Time With Gun Crime Statistics

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Just imagine this: the law abiding are being surveilled and have to prostrate themselves in front of their own government to prove they’re worthy of defending their own lives, while those that flaunt the law don’t obey it, probably don’t even know what it is other than to avoid it and are out there running around in vast quantities obtaining the weapons that our […]

todayMay 8, 2013 10
