Hillary Clinton

52 Results / Page 2 of 6



Clinton Promises An Increase In PP Funding

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Folks, by her own admission, by her own boasting and bragging admission, Mrs. Clinton has promised that funding for Planned Parenthood will increase, that she will ignore the Hyde Amendment and see to that end, and that Planned Parenthood’s coffers will be filled and thus more women will have more abortions available.  More evil is going to come of her presidency."  Check out today’s […]

todayOctober 21, 2016 22


Ilyse Hogue – Proud She Aborted Her Baby

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "You should lament this.  I would lament it if it happened in any “Christian” denomination, as they are called.  The fact that it’s happening in the one that was established by Christ is not only shocking but just goes to show the level, the depths to which Christianity has plunged.  Again, this has happened before.  This is not the first time there has been […]

todaySeptember 26, 2016 5


It Takes A Village Idiot To Vote For Hillary by Ilana Mercer

It Takes A Village Idiot To Vote For Hillary © By ILANA Mercer If you strapped Bill Clinton to a polygraph (or some lie detector that can’t be fooled or shorted by the Clintons)—I suspect he, too, might confess to a preference for Vladimir Putin over Barack Obama. Mr. Clinton had been appropriately scathing, in 2008, about Obama’s mythical status in the media. A “fairy tale,” he called the current […]

todaySeptember 16, 2016 23


The Liberal Celebrities Rally Around Clinton

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Of course, we all know that the election is today, so whatever the poll number says today, that’s the way it’s going to go down in November, even though no vote will be cast for 78 days.  Today is the election and if Mrs. Clinton is ahead in the poll, it’s over.  We know who is going to hold the office of the presidency." […]

todaySeptember 10, 2016 12


The Hillary UBS Scandal

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "This is key here, that this occurred at a time when Mrs. Clinton was in the Secretary of State’s office.  That’s what makes this all the more dastardly.  When you enter into public life, you’re supposed to divest yourself of anything that can cause or become a conflict of interest."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  “Hillary […]

todayAugust 31, 2016 13


Marc Morano and Mike Church Talk Climate

  Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Marc Morano, the producer and the creator behind the fantastic movie Climate Hustle, and proprietor of ClimateDepot.com is on the Dude Maker Hotline with us.  By the way, our threat is not the Russians or terrorism or Islam; it is climate change, the greatest threat to our life according to the whole Democratic [unintelligible], according to Bernie Sanders, according to President Obama, and […]

todayAugust 25, 2016 5


The Clinton Media’s Manufactured Reality by Ilana Mercer

The Clinton Media’s Manufactured Reality By Ilana Mercer The Clinton Media have gone from malfunctioning to mad, from “dishonest” to deranged. Their coverage of the 2016 election is no longer tinged by liberal bias, but is about moving viewers and readers into a parallel universe, an alternate reality of the media’s making. The media monolith’s latest imbecility is tto offer effusive plaudits for their candidate, Hillary, because this life-long politician […]

todayAugust 15, 2016 16


It Takes A Village of 6th Graders-Hillary Speech Was Written For 6th Graders

Mandeville, LA  -  I ran Mrs. Hillary Clinton's DNC coronation speech through the Flecsh-Kincaid text analyzer to gauage what audience she was speaking to, measured by years of education it takes to understand the speech or work. Recall that Thomas Jefferson's inaugural State of the Union address required 18 years of education (see below) to grasp while President Obama's 2012 SOTU required only a 7th grade education. Here are Mrs Clinton's scores: […]

todayJuly 29, 2016 15



Debbie Schlussel On Trump And Conservatism Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I would also say, Debbie, you know me well enough, I put no faith and no credence whatsoever into the proposition that there is a federal solve.  It really doesn’t matter.  I’m almost like a comedian when it comes to this.  To me, it’s going to give people something to crack jokes about and something to talk about, […]

todayJanuary 27, 2016 22
