insert_link Transcripts Sarah Palin Is Nothing More Than “Conservative” Entertainment Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Sarah Palin does provide wonderful comedic relief to CPAC and other events like this. To put her in the league of the thoughtful, critical-thinking, intelligent -- I’ve got to be careful how I say this -- intelligent imaginative conservative, I think, is just a stretch. She is great for the base, they love her, but what she talks about usually and what usually comes […] todayMarch 18, 2013 19
insert_link Transcripts Detroit Going Belly Up And Tea Party Sinks To New Low Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Today’s conservatism requires you to do very un-conservative things. It requires you to hold very un-conservative thought. It requires you to promote things that Christian conservatives should never be promoting, and that is a nonstop engagement in war. Making war and believing that the strength of your republic, as many of you conservatives like to call it, is to be found in your military […] todayFebruary 20, 2013 12
Pile Of Prep Pile of Prep: Secession Petitions Force White House Response Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Founding Fathers goodness and all the stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. When considering the Secession petitions, consider this. "This is founded on the sound principle that those in whom the force of the Union is vested, in diminution of the power formerly possessed by the state, are bound to exercise it for the […] todayNovember 13, 2012 18
insert_link Daily Clip Manners, Courting, and Traditions Needed to Revive US Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - Looks like some of Mike's talk about manners and traditions are getting through to some people. Tom in Wyoming has raised eight kids and is proud of the values he instilled in his children. He realized that it's the parents responsibility to raise their children, not the governments or anyone else's. But as we see time and time again from the Karl […] todaySeptember 4, 2012 5
Pile Of Prep ObamaBotZombies They Live! and Roam the Charlotte Countryside in Search of Paychecks to Seize, Oil Wells to Cap & Car Companies to Nationalize Last Train to Brokesville: National debt to hit $16 trillion when the Dumbocrats gavel their convention open tomorrow, how fitting! 14 year old pens new book on the Constitution and understands the document more clearly than most adults Karl Rove suggests it is ok if Todd Akin, Senate Candidate & Republican in MO, is murdered, Rove , the Dark Lord continues his empire building inside the GOP WaPo has 8 […] todaySeptember 4, 2012 6
insert_link Latest Where Y’at Drudge!? DeceptiCON Media Refuse to Report Revolt Against Dark Lord Karl Rove Mandeville, LA - DeceptiCON n. An individual in the employ of media billionaires that promote and defend statism as an antidote to statism Karl Rove has long been the Dark Lord of the DeceptiCON Establishment that holds court on Fox News, terrestrial talk radio, most of the tea party and think tanks that cover the east coast like a skin cancer. Rove infamously called the Iraq War an experiment worthy […] todaySeptember 2, 2012 16
insert_link Latest Is This The [r]epublican [m]oment We’ve Been Waiting For? A REVOLT at the RNC!? Tampa, FL - The GOP is getting a bit full of themselves and with the Romney campaign are trying to pass rule changes to delegate selection that eerily do to the GOP state parties and activists what the 17th Amendment (& war of Northern agression) did to the States themselves: transfer selection process to the GOP Leviathan to insure no debate and 'fall in line" conformity. This just 1 day […] todayAugust 27, 2012 8
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757