
13 Results / Page 1 of 2

Keystone Pipeline commentary

Church Doctrine

“Man-Made” Climate Change Is A Deadly Excuse To Steal Wealth

Mandeville LA -The planet that we are blessed to inhabit does not have a thermostat on it for humans to set at increased or decreased “global” temperatures. But don’t tell that to the witch doctors working for the hilariously mis-titled Natural Resources Defense Council or the Sierra Club which spends most of its time suing people in places that aren’t the Sierras. We must be reminded of these common sense […]

todayJune 3, 2014 6

Keystone Pipeline commentary

Church Doctrine

Kids Know They Live In A Depraved World Adults Won’t Fix

Mandeville LA - The murder of 6 people last Friday in Santa Barbara CA is being described as a “rampage” and a “slaughter”. One distraught father angrily demanded to know why “something wasn’t done” to stop Elliott Rodger’s killing spree. On Sunday news shows, U.S. Senators were asked what they intended to do about Rodger’s killing spree which is not surprisingly lumped together with killings in Sandy Hook CT and […]

todayMay 27, 2014 8


Martin Luther King, Jr. – Noninterventionist For All Americans

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The filmmaker, his point was to illustrate or demonstrate that the Reverend King wasn’t just a civil rights campaigner, that he cared about civil rights and the civil liberties of all Americans. In other words, he was not myopic and just focused particularly on one issue or one specific minority or one race. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayJanuary 20, 2014 9


Veteran Matt Explores The Real Human Price Of Military Intervention In The Middle East

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Matt, you said something that is absolutely profound, brother. When you say it’s been a full decade since that first wave of young men were sent into Iraq and told to go kill, and then sent into Afghanistan, which did ask for it in a limited capacity but not the protracted endeavor we were engaged in. They were sent into Iraq and Afghanistan and […]

todaySeptember 9, 2013 7


The State Is A Religion And War Is Its God

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Folks, I want you to listen to this. This is as important as anything we will discuss this week, next week, or probably for the rest of the entire calendar year of the year of our Lord that is 2013. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todaySeptember 6, 2013 9

Daily Clip

Military Suicides Are Yet Another Cost Of War

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – We do know that since 9/11 over 3,000 young enlisted men and women have taken their lives as have over 6,500 veterans. The VA reports that since it launched a “suicide hotline” in 2007 it has fielded over 650,000 phone calls and performed over 23,000 “life-saving rescues.” All this has happened while the United States military remains deployed around the globe and the numbers […]

todayMarch 18, 2013 6

Daily Clip

Drones, Like Nuclear Technology, Can Be Used For Good Or Evil

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – It’s kind of like saying harnessing the knowledge and the technological expertise that it took to be able to split an atom yielded medical breakthroughs that would have previously been impossible. Splitting the atom and radioactive isotopes and using them leads to all manners of chemotherapies and treatments for cancers, all sorts of nifty things that we have learned after being able to split […]

todayMarch 8, 2013 8


American Hubris Won’t Prevent Another Katyn Massacre Or Great Purge

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Folks, this is dangerous stuff here. Some people think this is a game. “We’re Americans. We would never do that.” Really? You know one of the reasons why the rest of the world fears us? It’s because we used a nuclear weapon on Japanese people not once but twice. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayMarch 8, 2013 8


Lindsey Graham Loves Drones

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Ladies and gentlemen, just imagine this. Just wrap your heads around this for a moment. The senior senator from South Carolina is saying that the person who gets to determine who an enemy combatant is is the President of the United States, the Commander in Chief. His decision is final and his decision also on what kind of force to use is final. Do […]

todayFebruary 8, 2013 16
