law enforcement

35 Results / Page 1 of 4



BLM And Their Criminal Behavior

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Why is that part of the protest, I wonder?  What are you protesting by shooting your fellow man?  Again, this is not a protest; it’s a criminal activity.  We have people that are defending this rejection of authority, and that’s what it is, as something that is necessary."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript [reading] Protests turned violent […]

todayOctober 4, 2016 5


The Real Tragedy Is The Loss Of Souls

  Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I don’t think the finality of the end of the soul’s existence in this world is understood by modern man anymore.  As a matter of fact, not only do I think, I’m fairly certain it’s not understood by most modern men today, because if it was, we would always keep our gaze and we would organize our societies around the fact that the […]

todayAugust 18, 2016 5

Daily Clip

‘Muricans Welcome A Military Coup INSIDE Militarized ‘Murica They Created

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – People don’t realize what a problem it is.  If you’ve ever wondered how the tyrants, how the tyrant tinhorn dictators have been able to marshal the forces that they have and have been able to do the things that they were able to do, and then force or compel the citizenry to go along with them -- I don’t need to give the actual […]

todaySeptember 23, 2015 12


Asking For Conditions Favorable To Martial Law

If You Want Police To Continue Becoming Militarized Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "You must have missed the other part of that broadcast that detailed what the paramilitary guys have done when they’re not being choir boys and protecting the planet and protecting all the planet’s citizens.  You’re only giving me part of the argument.  You’re giving me all the great, as if there is no other side to the […]

todayMay 13, 2015 4


Battlefield America: The War on the American People

Interview with Author John Whitehead Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Let’s go to the Dude Maker Hotline and say hello to John Whitehead, who is the author of Battlefield America: The War on the American People.  Let’s give you a little background here.  In the book “…The War on the American People, ‘we the people’ have now come full circle, from being held captive by the British police state to […]

todayMay 12, 2015 10

Daily Clip

What Is Good Government? And Where Might We Find It These Days?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I think I’m on solid ground in saying that almost all, if not all, American governments, whether they are town hall, local, countywide, statewide, and certainly federal do not carry the principle enunciated into fruition [of good government].  That’s not what they think good government is.  This is where we find so much error today.  It’s why we have all these various and sundry debates […]

todayMay 5, 2015 13


The Result of Worshiping Lincoln

Police State Is No Surprise For A Country That Worships An Atheist Tyrant Lincoln Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Since we don’t have any problem using these weapons and using this methodology on people in Yemen on their way to weddings and what have you, why should we have any problem with it here when we have similar citizens that aren’t doing what we think they ought to be doing?" […]

todayAugust 26, 2014 5

Founders Corner

Gutzman, Church – Rep. Gowdy’s Enforce The Law Act, Part I

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Let’s go to the Dude Maker Hotline and talk to our friend, Professor Dr. Kevin Gutzman, author of James Madison and the Making of America, The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution, Who Killed the Constitution, and Virginia’s American Revolution, and lately an article at  Check out today’s transcript for the rest… Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  Let’s go to the Dude […]

todayJune 28, 2014 8


Police State

DUI Check Points Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "It’s just like a cop, isn’t it, just yelling at me and telling me what a freaking idiot I am and how insubordinate.  Citizen, you will obey the police!  You will obey the tests that we have constructed for your own good, citizen!"  Check out today’s transcript for the rest… Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  Hello, Wayne, how you doing? Caller […]

todayJune 27, 2014 5
