
54 Results / Page 3 of 6



What Is Necessary To Go To War? Anyone, Anyone? A Declaration Of War!

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Can you point to Yemen on a map, listener? I would struggle to point to Yemen on a map, and the only reason I might know where it is is because I have recently looked to see because the country’s name keeps coming up. Can you point to Yemen on a map? Here’s an even better question. Can you point to a declaration of […]

todayAugust 14, 2013 12

Founders Television

Foreign Policy Is THE Issue

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Everything our magisterial government does descends from it's foreign policy, how we treat people in foreign countries reflects on how we treat people in our own country. So what does that say about us? In countries like Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Bosnia, and Libya, we are funding a war on Christianity and supporting mob democracy. Now that these countries have "democracy" and they […]

todayJuly 15, 2013 6


Gotta Have More War – Senate Approves Arming Syrian Rebels

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Good freaking grief. Let me translate that. A Senate panel has voted to tax you on your way to work today so you can buy Achmed, a Syrian rebel, a nice, shiny, new M16 with a full -- here’s the bonus: I bet the Syrian rebels will get the extended clips that American patriots aren’t supposed to get because we might do evil, despicable […]

todayMay 22, 2013 6


The Power Genie Is Out Of The Bottle And Running Amok In The National Government

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I think that the point to be made is that when it comes to the IRS, how is it that they obtained this unbelievable power to do and to perform the tormenting things they are accused of performing, which by the way they do. Same thing with the attorney general. How in dude’s holy name does the Injustice Department acquire the awesome, unbelievable power […]

todayMay 16, 2013 9


Don’t Blame Obama For The IRS And AP Scandals, Blame Big Government

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Folks, this is precisely why the size and scope and powers that the administrations have acquired, this is why that is so damn dangerous. You’re seeing it play out in real time. You’re seeing it playing out right in front of your eyes. I suppose it’s natural to must point the finger at evil, despicable Obama and his henchmen. That’s not an abnormal reaction; […]

todayMay 15, 2013 7


Ron Paul Agrees, Benghazi Is A Political Witch Hunt

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Was there an egregious abuse of power? You’re damn skippy there was. It happened when President Obama, encouraged by Republicans in the United States Senate and the House of Representin’, decided to lend American armaments, American technology, American pilots, American spooks on the ground to go find, hunt down, and assist in the assassination and elimination of Muammar Gaddafi, who was the leader of […]

todayMay 14, 2013 7


Does Benghazi Equal Impeachment?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You know why McCain doesn’t think that Obama has committed an impeachable offense, because McCain would use the same kind of force were he president, had he been elected president. You would do this without even thinking. McCain is the one running around ginning up another war that we can enjoy the fun of getting involved in in Syria. Check out today’s transcript for […]

todayMay 13, 2013 24

Daily Clip

Caller Leonard Wants Obama To Take The Fall For Benghazi

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Did a mob of terrorists kill American citizens? Yes. Could the Obama administration have thwarted the mob of terrorists? I haven’t seen any convincing evidence for this unless you want to go back, again, to the original sin and you want to say that had the Obama administration and the president not participated in the unconstitutional act of war that precipitated the assassination of […]

todayMay 10, 2013 9
