Transcripts Interview With David Harsanyi Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Let's go to the Dude Maker Hotline and say hello for the first time to the editor-in-chief of The Federalist, a great little website out there. You've probably heard me quoting it over and over and over again for the past two weeks. David Harsanyi is the editor-in-chief. He has also written on the subject, as has his fine coterie of writers and […] todayJuly 28, 2015 10
Transcripts Kevin Gutzman – SOTU, Gruber Voters And Obamanomics Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I’d rather be ruled by the idiots that ran the country in Idiocracy. They don’t know better. We might be able to educate them so that they can understand or so they can better comprehend things that ought to be very simple. I want to go over something else with you. Professor Kevin Gutzman is on the program with us here today. Check out today’s […] todayJanuary 22, 2015 10
Interviews Kevin Gutzman – Gruber Voters And Bill Clinton’s Moral Order Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Of course, we would be in favor of a total embargo against the appointment of any new federal judges anyway. It’s not as though they need any more. It seems to me that they are constantly overworked as is. So maybe if just by attrition they start paring down the ranks of the federal judiciary, then some state courts and state legislatures may become acquainted […] todayNovember 24, 2014 5
insert_link Transcripts US Bombs Make The World A WORSE Place To Live, So Stop It! Is the world safer with the United States "world police"? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Because of your hubris and your lack of humility, you won’t admit we’ve made the world a worse place to inhabit. We haven’t made it a better place. It doesn’t matter what our intentions are, my friends. Our intentions are irrelevant. We have exported a form of secular democracy that is destructive." Check out today’s […] todaySeptember 29, 2014 6
insert_link Transcripts Understanding Arizona’s Religious Freedom Bill What the Arizona Bill "actually" Says Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "This is how faux journalists and faux reporters work these days. You go in and nearly start a riot, you whip everyone up into a frenzy, you say things about things that are not true, you imply things to make people think that this is actually what’s being discussed when it’s not, and the news cycle thus repeats […] todayMarch 5, 2014 9
insert_link Transcripts Liberal Media Says Jan Brewer Saved America Jan Brewer Saved America! Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "All the good people of Arizona awaited the word of their governor to descend from on high of Mt. Governor’s Office, and to descend down the steps of the capitol building with the stone tablets in her hands as they had just been emblazoned from the good word of God himself. And the good word spaketh to the people of Arizona […] todayMarch 4, 2014 7
insert_link Transcripts Not Even The Supporters Of Colorado Secession Are Talking About It Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Folks, it is slim pickings out there for this. I searched for this and was just blown away by the dearth of returns. Not only is no one else or few people in media or broadcast media or internet media talking about this; you can’t even find people in the five counties that actually voted to secede that are talking about it. Check out […] todayNovember 7, 2013 10
insert_link Transcripts Perhaps Rand Paul Didn’t Technically Plagiarize But His Scholarship Is Highly Lacking Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – What has emerged is that there are instances where he has quoted effusively or excessively from prior written works. He’s done so in his speeches and he’s done so in his written works. Quoting from prior written works is fine. I do it all the time. You have to go through the process of footnoting or denoting sources. It’s almost impossible to do this […] todayNovember 6, 2013 26
insert_link Transcripts No, Not The ‘S’ Word, Don’t Say It . . . Secession In Northern Colorado Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – So I have this story about how northern, rural Colorado is overrun and is going to get steamrolled by progressives that have invaded parts of northern, rural Colorado and the rest of Colorado and it’s over. If you go out there and say you don’t like killing babies, those progressives are going to run against you and Terry McAuliffe you. They’re going to Ken […] todayNovember 5, 2013 9
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757