Martin Luther King

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Mike Church Celebrates Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. MLK Civil Disobedience Determined By Morality Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Protestant Martin Luther King, Jr. has just quoted St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas on why there are just laws and unjust laws. Glory be the day that we have a member of the Roman Catholic clergy that has such bravery to do so in public. Yes, I know there are some. That’s not meant as a […]

todayJanuary 20, 2016 17


If You Truly Want Peace

Bring Back The Militia Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Mr. Lind, this is what decepticons, alleged conservatives that call themselves conservatives, this is what they think is conservative, barking out orders for the rest of the known universe to obey.  You heard it the other night with Senator Rubio."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript [reading] An American national-security policy designed for an […]

todayNovember 16, 2015 10


Dr. Alveda King Interview – It Is REVEREND, Martin Luther King Jr, NOT Dr.

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Dr. Alveda King: " We were all created in the image and likeness of God.  People are born into sin because of what happened in the Garden of Eden.  My dad, A.D. King, loved Acts 17:26, Martin Luther King, Jr.’s brother who was choked and thrown in a swimming pool in ’69.  That’s why I say with gun control, you’re going to do choke control, theft control, […]

todayJanuary 20, 2015 12


Martin Luther King, Jr. – Noninterventionist For All Americans

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The filmmaker, his point was to illustrate or demonstrate that the Reverend King wasn’t just a civil rights campaigner, that he cared about civil rights and the civil liberties of all Americans. In other words, he was not myopic and just focused particularly on one issue or one specific minority or one race. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayJanuary 20, 2014 9


“It Doesn’t Take A Majority To Make A Rebellion…”

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – There were letters that Henry was writing to Washington warning Washington. I’ll put this in terms that modern people can understand: Hey, dude, we were supposed to raise a bunch of militia dudes here and they were supposed to be all ginned up and excited about fighting the Brits and independence and all that sort of jazz. Yeah, it’s not happening here anymore. Check […]

todayOctober 15, 2013 6

Church Doctrine

Judging Schools Not By The Color of Their Paint But The Content of Their Pupils

Mandeville, LA - Church Doctrine - Just 1 day after the anniversary of Reverend Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech I can happily report to you that when it comes to education, there are blacks and whites who agree that our efforts should be judged by the content of the results not the color of the participants. Ken Campbell is the President of a group called Black Alliance […]

todayAugust 28, 2013 10


Affirmative Action To Prevent Discrimination Actually Encourages Discrimination

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Did white people choose to be white? So you’re going to carve out a special disfavor because you assert that there is this thing called an affirmative action program because you’re just born and destined and get admitted into any college that you want simply by virtue of the color of your skin? I must have missed out on that one, too. I was […]

todayAugust 26, 2013 11


Where Are The Modern-Day Martin Luther Kings?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Do you see any Martin Luther King -- of course, you don’t see any George Washingtons around either -- do you see anyone following in the tradition of a gentleman that spoke as King did? I know he didn’t always live up to the high ideals, but he was human. That’s part of the human condition. Do you see anyone out there amongst the […]

todayJanuary 23, 2013 14

Daily Clip

Mike Church Show Caller Bob vs AG on Abortion

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - In order to push and promote his view of how the black man should be treated in the American society and in our civilization and communities, King basically had to advocate some form of civil disobedience. There were laws on the books that made it impossible for minorities to do certain things. As King viewed them, they were incompatible with a free society. He […]

todayJanuary 16, 2013 5
