mary landrieu

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Church Doctrine

Church Doctrine – Britney Spears Has More Credibility Than Mary Landrieu

Britney Spears Has More Credibility Than Mary Landrieu ©2014 Mike Church Mandeville, LA - In pro football a “runoff” of ten seconds usually ends the game for the team that has the football. In Louisiana Politics, a “runoff” will probably end the incumbency of the team that has fumbled the football: Senator Mary Landrieu who meets Rep. Bill Cassady in a winner take all showdown on December 6th. If Landrieu’s […]

todayNovember 13, 2014 8

Church Doctrine

Why Does “Mary Stand” With Planned Parenthood?

Why Does Mary Stand With Planned Parenthood? ©2014 Mike Church Mandeville, LA - The hapless New Orleans media was on full display last night in the U.S. Senate race “debate” between challenger Colonel Rob Maness and incumbent Mary Landrieu. Missing in action, again, was vapor-candidate Congressman Bill Cassidy. A seat in the Senate represents one of two Louisiana votes on $4 TRILLION worth of federal largesse per year yet there […]

todayOctober 28, 2014 12

Church Doctrine

Mary Landrieu, More Tourist Than Inhabitant of Louisiana

Mary Landrieu, More Tourist Than Inhabitant  ©2014 Mike Church Mandeville, LA - When the Constitution was ratified in 1788, the qualifications for office were spelled out and  immediately became a subject of controversy. In 1794, PA had selected Albert Gallatin as one of its U.S. Senators, when Gallatin arrived to take his seat he was told he could not because he was not a proper citizen of PA or any […]

todaySeptember 2, 2014 5

Keystone Pipeline commentary

Church Doctrine

Church Doctrine-Keystone Pipeline Being Mangled By Keystone Cop Congress

Keystone Pipeline Being Mangled By Keystone Cop Congress ©2014 Mike Church Mandeville, LA - Republicans and Democrats squawking over the mythical “Keystone Pipeline” seem more like “Keystone Cops” with the big difference being the Cop imbeciles were fiction. Recently, Senator Mary Landrieu has ascended to her polished, alabaster perch to proclaim that she is and has always been a proponent of building the pipeline. This prompted Republican Bill Cassidy to […]

todayMay 8, 2014 3

Founding Father John Taylor Clip

Book Mike To Speak

Mike Church, Tea Party Express Speech-The Fraud of FEMA And Mary Landrieu

Biloxi MS - Mike took time from his schedule to meet up with new friends at the Tea Party Express as their tour rolled into downtown Biloxi, MS. On the way to introducing MS state senator Chris McDaniel, Mike explained why MS needs McDaniel as a U.S. Senator and used the example of the fraud & corruption perpetrated by FEMA at the behest of LA Senator Mary Landrieu. See Mike's […]

todayApril 24, 2014 9

Keystone Pipeline commentary

Church Doctrine

Why We Should Be Russians & Ban Mary Landrieu Too

  Mandeville LA - Remember the famous Newsweek cover “We’re All Socialists Now”. Well, I would like to propose a NWAT headline many of you will enjoy and commit to memory “We’re All Russians Now.” Why Russians? Well the Russians, God bless ‘em, had the foresight to do what Louisiana voters have failed to do for 12 years: banish Mary Landrieu. Landrieu was placed on Russia’s answer to The United State’s […]

todayMarch 20, 2014 7

Keystone Pipeline commentary

Church Doctrine

Landrieu’s Legacy? LA Addicted To Bailout Crack

Every nickel of the $228 million in bailout crack that Landrieu has “won” for this state’s crony capitalists will be paid back, with interest, by our kids and grandkids and the cycle of the government giving to the wealthy will be completed when it takes all from the middle. Thanks Senator Landrieu, my kids can hardly wait, how about yours?

todayFebruary 20, 2014 6

Keystone Pipeline commentary

Church Doctrine

Mary Landrieu-The Cousin It of Personal-Foulers

Mary Landrieu-The Cousin It of Personal-Foulers Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's bi-weekly Church Doctrine video. If you watch a lot of football you’ve seen the “he hit me first”, personal foul penalty that usually does not get called against the guy that “hit first”. I’m throwing a personal foul flag at Senator Mary Landrieu, she hit first, on Christmas Eve, 2009, with her “Louisiana Purchase[d]” vote for the Gordian monstrosity […]

todayDecember 12, 2013 11

Church Doctrine

ObamaCare: What Did Mary Landrieu “Purchase”?

Mandeville, LA - Church Doctrine - Nancy Pelosi and Senator Mary Landrieu need to compare notes. Landrieu, quite possibly the most under-informed member of the United States Senate that is filled with intellectual wunderkinds like Senator Patty Murray. But Murray may be a Rhodes Scholar compared to Landrieu. When asked if ObamaCare was Constitutional, Landrieu told a reporter “[w]ell, we’re very lucky as members of the Senate to have constitutional […]

todayNovember 14, 2013 25
