mike church

224 Results / Page 23 of 25



The Terms Conservative, Catholic and Talk Radio DO Go Together-Chris Ferrara Interviews Mike

Mandeville, LA - The following is an excerpt of an interview conducted by Chris Ferrara on 10 May, 2015. You can read the entire interview at The Remnant Newspaper Online, here. Thanks to Chris Ferrara for the introduction to the interview. "Remnant readers may know that I have become a regular guest on the Mike Church Show, Channel 125 on the Sirius Radio Network, which is known as Patriot Radio. […]

todayJuly 14, 2015 8


Amazing Deal For Mike Church Fans: A Yearly Founders Pass Is Now HALF-PRICE

THIS PROMOTION HAS EXPIRED, THANK YOU TO ALL WHO TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THE GENEROSITY OF OUR PATRON. “Recently, a very generous listener agreed to invest some of his wealth into an effort to help us attract 100 new, Yearly, Founders Pass members. Here's his offer: He will pay HALF of YOUR first year's membership!” Click to take him up on his offer UPDATED, WE CAN STILL OFFER 100 72 18 MORE, 1/2 PRICED, […]

todayApril 7, 2015 10

Project '76

Great Reading & Listening: John Taylor’s “Argument on the Carriage Tax” Book

THIS WEEKEND ONLY, GET A CARRIAGE TAX BOOK FREE WITH ANY PURCHASE An ARGUMENT RESPECTING THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF THE CARRIAGE TAX - In V I R G I N I A, In May, 1795 by John Taylor of Caroline County. Mandeville, LA - John Taylor of Caroline County, Virginia continues to this day an unheralded member of that august group of American men known as “Founding Fathers”. The following work, “An […]

todayFebruary 10, 2015 10

Founders Pass Audio Media Center

The Pile of Prep LIVE – Audio Download Center

Mandeville, LA - By popular demand, Mike has now added a daily audio edition of the famous rundown of news and newly discovered and posted historical content "The Pile of Prep-LIVE". You can find all the POP files we have archived right here in addition you will also find Founders Pass Members Only video and audio files. Not a member? Join now for just 17 cents per day and enjoy […]

todayFebruary 10, 2014 26

Pile Of Prep

Mike Church Tuesday Pile of Prep

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of the latest [r]epublican news, reading selections and Mike's take on the latest from Edward Snowden that "not all spying is bad". Read along with Mike's historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "Our current situation is untenable over the long haul. […]

todayJanuary 28, 2014 13
