mike church

224 Results / Page 4 of 25



The Road To Independence 11 Year Anniversary, Independence Day Marathon

Mandeville, LA - On July 4th, 2007, the then just launched, Patriot Channel on Sirius Satellite Radio was turned over to Mike Church and the nascent Founding Father Films for a grand experiment: bring back dramatic radio features. Mike undertook the task of writing, narrating producing and directing the Road To Independence the Real Story of the Founding Father's Struggle for Independence. Co-starring Emmy Award winning actor as the voice […]

todayJuly 3, 2018 11

Book Mike As A Speaker

“Too Catholic” For Satellite Radio-Mike Church Confesses His Marian Consecration

Silver Springs, MD - For the first time ever recorded, Mike Church, the longest running radio talk-show host in the history of Satellite Radio reveals details of how he became "Too Catholic for Satellite Radio", intimate details about his reversion to the Catholic Faith and radical conversion to Tradition and Marian Consecration. You've never heard a conversion story quite like this one! Recorded at a private event at the home […]

todayJune 3, 2018 13


Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto Comes To Dublin, Where Will The Irish Build The Pyramid?

Mandeville, LA -  John Daniel Davidson of The Federalist and I are in perfect agreement on the tragedy of Ireland's pro-infanticide vote; to the point where he brings up my oft-cited comparison of the cult of death and their Mayan grandparents featured in Mel Gibson's Apocalypto. "The reality that so many of us do not wish to confront, and that the Irish referendum thrusts upon us, is that liberalism divorced from Christianity means […]

todayMay 29, 2018 31


Mike Church-Civilization In 6 Words-LIVE From Lincoln, NE!

Mandeville, LA - The Mike Church Show has taken the Civilization In 6 Words talk to  different cities now, Lincoln NE will be our 4th and will be broadcast for Founders Pass members, LIVE! WITH a FREE, members only chatroom! You'll need to be a member to WATCH and join the LIVE! Chat available on the CRUSADE Channel website here. If you're not a Founders Pass member, support our 24/7 […]

todayMay 22, 2018 6


Archeology Is Not Just For Mummies-The Real Story of Our Lord’s Mommy

Mandeville, La - Author Michael Hesemann, interviewed by Mike Church, LIVE from his office in Germany, explains in loving detail 2 chapters of his book masterpiece Mary of Nazareth. •The Flight Into Egypt. • The Real Story of The Holy House of Loredo. Get the book, Mary of Nazareth, click here! You won't hear this level of scholarship brought out by radio talent that thrills and amazes without ever coming […]

todayMay 22, 2018 23

James Madison by Kevin Gutzman book

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James Madison and the Making of America

James Madison and the Making of America (paperback) by: Kevin R.C. Gutzman Book Description: In James Madison and the Making of America, historian Kevin Gutzman looks beyond the way James Madison is traditionally seen -- as "The Father of the Constitution” -- to find a more complex and sometimes contradictory portrait of this influential Founding Father and the ways in which he influenced the spirit of today's United States.  Instead of […]

todayApril 30, 2018 9


Introducing The Best New Way To Listen To The CRUSADE Channel: The CRUSADE Content App!

Mandeville, LA - The VRN Content App is now officially launched and the VRM v 3.0 is here. This totally new smartphone/tablet app puts the power of world-class content distribution and consumption into our avid fans hands. Here's how to start taking advantage of the app and its awesome content delivery features. UPGRADE TO FOUNDING BROTHER & UNLOCK THE CRUSADE CONTENT APP! 1. Download it for iPhones here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/the-vrn-app/id1373353510?ls=1&mt=8 Android download is here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.veritasradionetwork.android.radio […]

todayApril 29, 2018 6

Shop Mike's Store

Small Is Still Beautiful : Economics as if Families Mattered

Small Is Still Beautiful: Economics as if Families Mattered autographed by Joseph Pearce Book Description: The sequel to E F Schumacher's best-selling SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL. E F Schumacher argued that our current pursuit of profit and progress which promotes giant organisations has resulted in gross economic inefficiency, pollution and inhumane working conditions. He proposed a system of intermediate technology, based on smaller working units and regional workplaces that use local […]

todayApril 26, 2018 5

Shop Mike's Store

The Incredible Catholic Mass: An Explanation of the Mass

Rev. Fr. Martin von Cochem, O.S.F.C. Book Description: An absolute revelation to most Catholics! Based on the Traditional Latin Mass, but actually about the essence of the Mass itself. Shows it is not just a prayer, but a powerful sacrifice given to us by Almighty God to fulfill all our spiritual needs. You will divide your life into "before" and "after" you read this book. Going to Mass will never […]

todayApril 25, 2018 12
