
70 Results / Page 4 of 8



The Progressive Train Is Steaming Down The Tracks

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The reason is because it is far easier and a lot more comforting in the short-term to abuse the privilege of governing, especially when you can abuse it with the promise that a future person to be governed is going to pay for it. It’s nothing more than a wealth transfer scheme unlike any the world has ever seen. It is despicable. It is […]

todayOctober 21, 2013 5


The Fate Of Obamacare Lies In The Hands Of State Legislatures

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – What remains to be seen is whether or not it does survive the funding mechanism and if it does go into effect. What remains to be seen of the 24 states that nullified or interposed against it and the ones that still refuse to open the exchanges up -- we have a spring session coming up in most legislatures, Texas excluded because they just […]

todaySeptember 26, 2013 11


Dennis Kucinich Says Abolish The NSA And Throw Snowden A Parade

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – How many of you have used the term abolish in the last month? How many of you have thought of how to abolish, for example, the IRS, how to abolish the NSA? Around the time of the founders, when the Virginia Bill of Rights was written, principally by George Mason, the wisest man of his generation -- that’s what Jefferson called him -- there’s […]

todayAugust 22, 2013 17


Interview With Tom Woods On Nullification

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – First of all, you wrote the book Nullification. I’m sure you saw that yesterday the Oklahoma House voted by a vote of 72-20, pretty overwhelming, to nullify Obamacare. Even here in 2013 and about three or four years after nullification came out, it seems like some of our fellow citizens and countrymen are still pursuing nullification. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayJune 26, 2013 23


In 1798 Americans Resolved To Fight Tyranny – In 2013 It’s Sound Bites Then Silence

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – If you’re a fan of nullification, you’re going to want to read this piece. From this little gathering in Fredericksburg, Virginia comes the inspiration for great things, which are the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, of course Kentucky written by Jefferson, Virginia written by Madison, both with an assist from Taylor of Caroline. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayJune 13, 2013 7

Founders Television

What Does South Carolina’s Ground Breaking Nullification Bill Actually Do?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - There's a bill coming up on South Carolina's agenda that could possibly have huge ramifications for ObamaCare... but what exactly are those ramifications? Well, the bill is to nullify ObamaCare but we won't know until later today or tomorrow if the bill actually reaches the Senate, but if it does it will more than likely pass and head to Gov. Nikki Haley's […]

todayJune 5, 2013 6


Oklahoma Wants Its Boatloads Of Federal Money

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The Feds are now all over everything that has anything to do with disaster relief. Of course, Inhofe and Coburn, they can’t go out there and say, [mocking] “There’s going to be waste and abuse in the appropriation of any funds.” Inhofe says of course they’re going to get federal dollars in Oklahoma, but we’re going to offset them with spending cuts. Doesn’t that […]

todayMay 23, 2013 13
