Transcripts “Conservative” Fox News: Deny Your Faith, Embrace Homosexual Marriage Well, for one thing in regard to Fox News 's Bret Baier, he already tried to clarify. He told the public it was because of the request of the channel’s leadership that I did this. todayJanuary 29, 2015 6
insert_link Catholicism Americans Got The Miss America Planned Parenthood They Deserve Only in America......Pagans and Pageants Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "There’s a great story in the Pile of Prep here today by Steve Skojec. He’s the founder and promoter of, a great website. The headline is “The Miss America America Deserves.” Did you know that Kira Kazantsev, the new Miss America, put on her résumé, boldly and proudly, that she served an internship at Planned Parenthood?" Check out today’s […] todaySeptember 26, 2014 6
Transcripts Caller: There’s NO Taboo In Showing Kids Porn or Naked GQ Girls Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The only thing she has on is a lei. The only thing she has on is a set of flowers over the décolletage. Oh, and some sort of a micro bikini covering over the nether region, shall we say. Fifty years ago, that would be not just soft-core, that would be porn. That was a pinup. That was a Hugh Hefner centerfold in 1958 when […] todayAugust 26, 2014 14
insert_link Transcripts How The Beatles Didn’t Save Our Culture 50 Years Ago "So Julia Roberts gets up there and says we’re all to be thankful because 50 years ago today we were all saved by the Beatles. They came here and they changed America. Her exact words were “They changed America.” They made it all better for us. Now look at our vainglorious culture here. Look at Pink hanging from the ceiling." todayJanuary 28, 2014 11
insert_link Transcripts Porn And The Rom-Com Movies, Two Sides of the Same Fake Coin Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Then there is this one from Gracy Olmstead at American Conservative Magazine under the headline “Pornography and Sentimentality: The Ruins of Beauty.” This is a really good essay. Ms. Olmstead’s point is, not only does pornography destroy the beauty and the beautiful that is the sex life that God confers upon married people, but equally so do “rom-com movies,” as they’re called, the romantic […] todayOctober 14, 2013 9
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757