
62 Results / Page 3 of 7



What Decision Is Left For #Catholics? Trump Reaffirms Pro-Life Stances

Mandeville, LA - Read the letter sent to pro-life activists below, signed by one Donald J. Trump and contrast that with Mrs Clinton's promise to continue the slaughter of innocents while promoting the diabolical, Apocalypto-like policy that babies "have no Constitutional rights until they are born." Here's the video of the High Priestess of Tezcatlipoca in case you've forgotten. In the letter below Trump promises pro-life voters the following. Nominating […]

todaySeptember 20, 2016 10


What Is The Mainstream?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Today’s mainstream is what you know as the lib media.  It is there.  It is a real thing.  It does exercise an extraordinary amount of control over the affairs of men.  Why?  Because they have the power to broadcast.  They have the power to drive and direct news cycles.  They have the power to pick and choose what it is that is actually going […]

todayAugust 17, 2016 11

Book Mike To Speak


Monroe County, MI - APOSTALATE  DENIED: APATHY AND THE PRO-LIFE MOVEMENT, 15 OCTOBER, 2015 Written and delivered by Mike Church, a Speech for the Monroe County, Michigan, Right to Life Fund. On the way back to Louisiana, from Michigan, Mike was informed of his demise at SiriusXM Satellite radio. Read all about it and listen to the farewell show here.   APOSTALATE DENIED: APATHY AND THE PRO-LIFE MOVEMENT Remarks written for delivery to […]

todayJuly 25, 2016 15


The Fallacy of “Safe and Legal” Abortion

Protecting "Women's Health" Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Let’s take this to its logical conclusion and pretend that Anthony Kennedy is going to side with Darth Vader Ginsburg and the rest of the progressive culture of death demons.  All that one must possess in order to murder babies in Texas, according to Planned Parenthood, is the know-how to do so."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church […]

todayMarch 21, 2016 7


Mike Church Interviews Kristan Hawkins About Student Life

College Safe Spaces and Trigger Warnings Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Young Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life was telling us what happens when they try to intervene in a situation where a student at one of the universities is about to undergo an abortion.  You heard her say that one young lady tried to call someone that would talk her out of it.  Eight friends said: Nah, if […]

todayJanuary 27, 2016 17


Mike Church Celebrates Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. MLK Civil Disobedience Determined By Morality Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Protestant Martin Luther King, Jr. has just quoted St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas on why there are just laws and unjust laws. Glory be the day that we have a member of the Roman Catholic clergy that has such bravery to do so in public. Yes, I know there are some. That’s not meant as a […]

todayJanuary 20, 2016 17

Daily Clip

Mike Church Show FREE PREVIEW – LifeSiteNews Dustin Siggins on Christian Persecution By State

Mandeville, LA - On January 19th's Mike Church Show, LifeSiteNews PR officer and correspondent Dustin Siggins updates us on a Catholic couple at Liberty Ridge Farm that are punished by the government for adhering for their religious beliefs. What else is new? Listen to the FULL hour and much more by signing up as a Founder's Pass Member. [private |Founding Brother|Founding Father|FP-Lifetime] [/private] THE AWESOME BENEFITS OF JOINING THE VERITAS RADIO NETWORK REVOLUTION AND […]

todayJanuary 19, 2016 14


Sue Ellen Browder – Feminism Pro-Life History

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Sue Ellen Browder, author of Subverted: How I Helped the Sexual Revolution Hijack the Women’s Movement is my special guest again.  We are always – not only are we honored by Sue Ellen taking time out of prayer this morning to stop by, but I always so much enjoy talking to Sue Ellen.  I could talk to her all day long.  No matter what […]

todayJanuary 12, 2016 38


Planned Parenthoods Double Standard

Planned Parenthood Values Employees Life But NOT The Babies They Kill Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "This maniac, this Dear character that went in there, all of a sudden now he was pro-life.  How do you know he was pro – if he went in and he started killing people, he’s not pro-life.  He immediately, by definition, ceases to be pro-life.  This is the same exact – this is […]

todayDecember 3, 2015 7
