Project ’76

26 Results / Page 2 of 3


Project '76

The Statue of Liberty, A Gift To The People, Not The Government

Mandeville, LA - Many gallons of ink have been spilled and trillions of phosphorous pixels burned over the Feds-"government shutdown inspired"- shuttering of Liberty Island and the Statue of Liberty. I have asked the question "why" this is so seeing as how the Statue belongs to the People of the United States, NOT the government. I promised to locate the documentary history of the statue and prove this point beyond […]

todayOctober 3, 2013 2

Project '76

President Franklin Pierce’s Veto of the 1854 Version of ObamaCare

Mandeville, LA - A Project '76, breakthrough moment in history! When President Franklin Pierce vetoed the "An act making a grant of public lands to the several States for the benefit of indigent insane persons", sending the bill back to the Senate and the House with his objections, he painted a clear picture of the Constitution and the limits of its power over the affairs of the states. Using Franklin's […]

todaySeptember 17, 2013 14

Project '76

Project ’76 Webisode Previews – American History “To Go”

Mandeville, LA - Here's a sampling of our current offering of Project '76 webisodes, which you can pick up on the Founders Tradin' Post RIGHT HERE! Each of these Webisodes has been painstakingly researched and then dramatized by some of the finest voice actors and audio mixing engineers in the business. The result is a growing playlist of great epochs in American History, made easy to enjoy in an entertaining […]

todayAugust 7, 2013 2

Project '76

Militias Are Good And They Are Good For You Too – Parts I and II

Mandeville, LA - The latest in our Project '76 collection is the must listen to, 2nd Amendment hit of the millennia. Writer/Director/Narrator Mike Church takes you on an exciting, audio journey back to 1788 to hear the great Patrick Henry launch his opposition to ratifying the U.S. Constitution and his primary concern for doing so was... he feared the new government would abolish the militia and then the right to […]

todayJuly 17, 2013 8

Click to download this latest "Project '76 Webisode"

Project '76

James Madison Identifies a Monster, Called The Federal Government

Listen to a FREE preview of this 9 minute long Webisode from Founding Father Films's Project '76, Download this Webisode here Mandeville, LA - In this Project '76 Webisode, we learn the chain of events that led James Madison & Thomas Jefferson to the conclusion that the Constitution was in peril and the Revolution undone by Congress's actions over Aliens and sedition, requested by President John Adams. Madison wrote to […]

todayJuly 9, 2013 4


Where Did Congress Get The Power To Fund Anything And Everything Under The Sun?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – A state is nothing more than the official arm of operation for the people of any sovereign territory. That’s all a state is. People think: We ought to do all these things in our states. What do you mean by states? Few people ever bother to define it. The state, I would define as having a sovereign border, sovereign territory, sovereign people that are […]

todayJune 17, 2013 5


In 1798 Americans Resolved To Fight Tyranny – In 2013 It’s Sound Bites Then Silence

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – If you’re a fan of nullification, you’re going to want to read this piece. From this little gathering in Fredericksburg, Virginia comes the inspiration for great things, which are the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, of course Kentucky written by Jefferson, Virginia written by Madison, both with an assist from Taylor of Caroline. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayJune 13, 2013 3

Daily Clip

Sales Taxes Go Way Back…And They’re Always A Bad Idea

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – “Sales Tax: History of a Dumb Idea” by Mason Gaffney, this is part of my post. I found this wonderful essay written by Mr. Gaffney in Insights Magazine back in 2005 about sales taxes. He writes about the history of the sales tax. It goes way, way back, farther than you can ever imagine. Check out today’s audio and transcript for the rest…

todayMay 7, 2013 6
