robert higgs

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Pile Of Prep

Thursday Pile of Prep-Abortionists: Pro-Life Women Aren’t Women…

"...Only Angry, Ugly, Homosexual, Pro-Choice Women, are Women" Mandeville, LA - Today's Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel. 2016 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don't cost nuthin'). Sapientia et Veritas - "First, says Hanby, the US Constitutional order presupposes the modern […]

todayJanuary 19, 2017 10


The Ratchet Effect Is Alive And Growing Government Well

The Growing Government and the Ratchet Effect Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "The ratchet effect has done its job.  And after it has completed all this, whatever agency, whatever act, whatever bureau, whatever series of regulators that has been employed to solve the crisis will never become unemployed.  If you can imagine a crescent wrench, a ratchet crescent wrench, you can imagine you put the socket end on the bolt.  […]

todayApril 14, 2014 23


Conservatism – The Most Misused Word In Politics

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I have a very intriguing thought to add to this discussion about intellect and about what conservatives ought to do. As a nonconformist member of the worst generation, I think the major problem we have today is we’re not smart enough to have studied, or we’re not studious to know what words actually mean. We use many words out of context. The most bastardized […]

todayOctober 18, 2013 10

Pile Of Prep

Dazed & Confused – America’s Moves to Legalize Pot Anger The “Conservatives” on East Coast-Hooray!

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Founding Fathers, Christmas Spirit goodness and other [r]epublican stories the legalize pot opponents find inconvenient, and are used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "As what is most important in ourselves is not our wealth or other worldly success, but our character, so what is important in our lives is the character of our […]

todayDecember 11, 2012 7

Pile Of Prep

Pile of Prep-The ObamaCare Christmas Bonus: You Will Only be Allowed 30 Hrs of Part-Time

Mandeville, LA - Today's Pile of Prep from Mike Church. The daily wrap up of stories used to produce the Mike Church Show. 12 days to go and all tied up (if you can believe that) and Romney seems to have lost the initiative Mike Church Show listener discovers the Libtard version of "Double Secret Probabtion" after videotaping Dem Congressman Colin Peterson's tirade over abortion The ObamaCare Chritmas bonus: You […]

todayOctober 26, 2012 2

Pile Of Prep

Governor Gardosil’s Gambit on ObamaCare=Phony Nullification, Will TX Follow?

Robert Higgs' 14 things most people don't care much for and the 14 things they DO care for (showing the Liberty movement will be tougher than anyone thinks) 14 Things the Liberty Movement ISN'T counting on Pt II: There are LOTS of libs who think the current gubbmint is not big enough TX Governor Rick Perry crows his neck, stands the hair on his back and draws breath to bark […]

todayJuly 11, 2012 5


Reagan Right on Government Powers

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - It only takes three or four percent a year for a couple of years without wages going up to where there is a serious lack of disposable income and maybe even survival income.  Ladies and gentlemen, that’s where we are.  That’s why there are no savings in the banks.  That’s why there’s no capital to start small businesses or to contribute to small businesses.  […]

todayJuly 10, 2012 5
