
72 Results / Page 5 of 8

Founding Father John Taylor Clip

Daily Clip

Communists Didn’t Want Out Of Russia To Buy Big Macs And Blue Jeans

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Remember, back in the ‘80s, what we were told [about why Communists defected]?  We were lied to.  This is part of the secular process here.  This is part of what these deceitful hacks do.  That all the people in Russia, all they really wanted -[was] to get in a car and drive to a McDonald’s and get a Big Mac.  [That] they were aspiring to subscribe […]

todayAugust 14, 2014 6


Srdja Trifkovic – A False Flag, or Fog of War over Ukraine?

Ukraine Plane Shot Down By The The Usual Suspects by Srdja Trifkovic Editor's note: The following is an guest-opinion piece written by the author and represents his views on this developing matter. Europe - A Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 bound for Kuala Lumpur from Amsterdam was shot down in eastern Ukraine Thursday afternoon, killing all 298 passengers and crew. It was hit as it cruised at 33,000 feet above the war-ravaged […]

todayJuly 18, 2014 11

Founding Father John Taylor Clip

Daily Clip

DeceptiCON Myths Destroyed: Neville Chamberlain Falsely Blamed For Appeasing Hitler

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I promised to get into this article here by Patrick J. Buchanan from 2008.  Why would I resurrect something from 2008?  Why would I do such a thing?  Well, there are a couple reasons why.  The primary reason why is because it keeps coming up, and now it’s reared its ugly head again.  [mocking] 'Well, you and Ron Paul and your non-interventionist buddies, you’re gonna […]

todayMarch 25, 2014 17

Keystone Pipeline commentary

Church Doctrine

Why We Should Be Russians & Ban Mary Landrieu Too

  Mandeville LA - Remember the famous Newsweek cover “We’re All Socialists Now”. Well, I would like to propose a NWAT headline many of you will enjoy and commit to memory “We’re All Russians Now.” Why Russians? Well the Russians, God bless ‘em, had the foresight to do what Louisiana voters have failed to do for 12 years: banish Mary Landrieu. Landrieu was placed on Russia’s answer to The United State’s […]

todayMarch 20, 2014 7


You Don’t Like Being Told What To Do, So Why Would Russia?

If You Don't Like Being Harassed By Mordor 800 Miles Away, How Do You Think Russians, 8,000 Miles Away Feel? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Now we have to go to the far corners of the earth, all the way to Russia, to find someone that recognizes the age-old practice of achieving some political victories and some political sovereignty, especially for people who think and act alike and want […]

todayMarch 20, 2014 14


Gutzman Pt II – Crimea/Ukraine Insanity

Kevin Gutzman on Crimea - Part II Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "When John Adams was in Amsterdam trying to borrow money from the Dutch, young John Quincy Adams was with him.  I think he was about 15 or 16 at the time.  Orders came from Congress that it was a desirable thing for the nascent united colonies of North America, the soon-to-be United States, it was a desirable thing […]

todayMarch 19, 2014 13


Srdja Trifkovic – Everything You Wanted To Know About Putin And Crimea But Were Afraid To Ask, Part II

 Srdja Trifkovic Interview Part II Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Let’s go to our Dude Maker Hotline.  We will welcome, for the first time, Srdja Trifkovic, who writes at Chronicles Magazine, among other places.  Srdja, welcome to the program."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest… Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  I believe this is our first call from Serbia.  Talk for a moment, if you will, you mentioned, […]

todayMarch 14, 2014 16


Srdja Trifkovic – Everything You Wanted To Know About Putin And Crimea But Were Afraid To Ask, Part I

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript –"If we wanted to look for a parallel with Hitler -- and frankly, I’m sick and tired of this Reductio ad Hitlerum.  We seem to be keen on finding the Hitler de jure whenever there’s a crisis, whether it’s Slobodan Milosevic or Saddam Hussein or Muammar Gaddafi or Bashar al-Assad.  The Hitler parallel is invoked.  In the case of Ukraine, we actually have a fairly decent […]

todayMarch 13, 2014 19


Should We Be Principled Or Political With Rand Paul Foreign Policy?

Rand Paul and His Foreign Policy Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "So you get to the end of that and you hear: I don’t think President Obama has done enough for national defense.  Exactly how much is enough then?  The amount of money that has been trimmed, if you want to even use that word, which I think is offensive, that has been trimmed from what is spent on […]

todayMarch 13, 2014 5
