state legislature

16 Results / Page 2 of 2



Why Do We Have State Constitutions If They’re Going To Be Usurped By The Federal Supreme Court?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Let me give you the latest example of losing republicanism, this God-awful ruling that comes from the Supreme Court of the United States yesterday. You can read Scalia’s entire dissertation on why Kennedy was in error in leading a 5-4 majority in favor of universal DNA swabbing. Now, if you get arrested for anything, wherever it is that you’re arrested at, if Deputy Fife […]

todayJune 4, 2013 13


Internet Sales Tax – Senate Empowers States To Tax Citizens Of Other States

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – In case you haven’t heard the news, the Senate yesterday, in contravention of its oath of office, passed an online sales tax initiative allegedly allowing the state legislatures to then tax citizens of other states. This is quite a constitutional crisis they are setting in motion, is it not? Just consider it for a moment. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayMay 7, 2013 5


Senate Passes Internet Sales Tax In Contravention Of Its Constitutional Powers

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Since when is it the job of United States senators to side with traditional retailers? That’s not what they did. They did not side -- the more I think about this, the more angry I become. The upshot of all of this clamor and this agitation for this sales tax is that this is an economic miracle. If you work in brick-and-mortar retail, this […]

todayMay 7, 2013 6


Article V Convention For A Balanced Budget Amendment

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Nick Dranias is with Compact for America. He is one of the brain trusts of that august body, which includes my friend Kevin Gutzman, author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution and James Madison and the Making of America. Nick is on the line with us right now on the Dude Maker Hotline. Nick, how you doing, buddy? Check out today’s transcript […]

todayApril 27, 2013 46


Interview With Senator Frank Niceley of Tennessee

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You have a most intriguing and peculiar piece of legislation that actually was the brainchild of one of my organizations, the ReFounding Father Society. This is at least partially James Knox’s idea here, about how to restore some manner of federalism in the election or selection of senators, in this case in the State of Tennessee. Can you just elaborate a little on what […]

todayMarch 6, 2013 16


Will State Governments Be The Next Bailouts?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – If this happens, then we truly do have a national legislature and a national system. Who’s to say then that the mayor of Harrisburg shouldn’t go to Mordor, shouldn’t be lobbying Senator Casey right now and Senator Toomey to represent the citizens of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania -- which ought to be in bankruptcy right now and may be very shortly -- to have the national […]

todayMarch 1, 2013 5

Daily Clip

Representative James White Of Texas Is Actually Doing Something

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Isn’t Representative White of Texas admitting that the state legislatures are in on the debt, and the state legislatures actively participate in running it up? They’re the ones that are spending the money. If you’re making contingency plans for what’s going to happen in the absence of borrowed federal money or manufactured money out of thin air, you then are admitting that you’re accepting […]

todayJanuary 22, 2013 7
