insert_link This Day in Founder's History This Day In Founding Fathers History – 3 July This Day in Founding Fathers History - Where we bring you important dates in the lives and history of the Founding Generation. On this day in 1890, the Idaho Territory became the State of Idaho, the 43rd state to join the Union. todayJuly 3, 2015 9
insert_link This Day in Founder's History This Day In Founding Fathers History – 15 March This Day In Founding Fathers History – 15 March 2013 On this day in 1820, Maine joined the union as the 23rd state, part of the Missouri Compromise of 1820. The population of Maine at that time was nearly 300,000 and the territory consisted of nine counties and 236 towns. It took delegates three weeks in October of 1819 to finalize a state constitution, with the convention presided over by […] todayMarch 15, 2015 7
insert_link This Day in Founder's History This Day In Founding Fathers History – 14 February This Day in Founding Founders History - Where we bring you important dates in the lives and history of the Founding Generation. Find out what two territories became states in today's Founding Fathers History. todayFebruary 15, 2015 8
insert_link This Day in Founder's History This Day In Founding Fathers History – 10 July This Day in Founding Fathers History - Where we bring you important dates in the lives and history of the Founding Generation. On this day in 1832, President Andrew Jackson vetoed the bank bill which would have renewed the corporate charter for the Second Bank of the United States. todayJuly 10, 2014 10
insert_link This Day in Founder's History This Day In Founding Fathers History – 20 June This Day in Founding Fathers History - Where we bring you important dates in the lives and history of the Founding Generation. On this day in 1863, West Virginia joined the Union as the 35th state. todayJune 20, 2014 9
insert_link This Day in Founder's History This Day In Founding Fathers History – 29 May This Day in Founding Fathers History - Where we bring you important dates in the lives and history of the Founding Generation. One notable birthday on this day in 1736, that of Patrick Henry. todayMay 29, 2014 10
This Day in Founder's History This Day In Founding Fathers History – 23 May This Day In Founding Fathers History – 23 May In 1788 on this day, South Carolina ratified the U.S. Constitution, becoming the eighth state to join the Union. 1 In 1774, in defiance of British Parliament’s closing of the port of Boston, the citizens of Chestertown, Maryland convened a meeting and constructed a resolution which forbade importing, selling, or consuming tea in Chestertown. Legend has it that the citizens gathered […] todayMay 23, 2014 5
insert_link Transcripts Cliven Bundy, Hero For Republican Agrarianism Republican Agrarianism Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "You won’t see that on ABC News this week, will you? Another one of these accounts from someone who is actually close to the action about what is actually going on and what is actually at stake here. Now we have this headline here today on the story that there has been a truce of sorts, “Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy: ‘The citizens of […] todayApril 16, 2014 8
insert_link Transcripts Northern Colorado Is Going republican Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – They act as though the State of Colorado owns the citizens of northern Colorado, and that the citizens of northern Colorado are not sovereign political entities in and of their own right should they choose to be. Folks, this is the law of nations. This is what 18th and 19th century republicanism is all about. It is all about gathering together and forming, through […] todayAugust 21, 2013 10
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757