
30 Results / Page 2 of 4



The Timeless Debate: Public vs. Private

George Washington Wanted A National University And Thought Seminaries Stunk At Educating Kids In Gubbmint Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "He was calling for West Point basically, citing just as I had reminded you earlier, that he saw the need for officers.  The need for officers does make sense.  I’m not prepared to get into a full discussion of that, but I can tackle the education question."  Check out […]

todayJune 3, 2015 14


Motherhood Beats Student Loans Any Day

Strapping Our Children With Mortgage Size Debt Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Secondly, the problem that we’ve identified today is chiefly a problem of social engineering that has been acquiesced to.  In other words, men and women have caved into it and now have adopted it as a paradigm."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  I suppose that one of the ways you […]

todayApril 22, 2015 3


Liberalism Has Killed Christian Civilization

 Interview with Patrick Deneen on Liberalism Intent Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "People think that these are perversions of classical liberalism, or liberalism as secularly defined.  As you point out, no, no, this may not have been the intent of Hobbes, Locke, etc., etc., but it is definitely the fruit of their work, right?"  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  Expound a little […]

todayJanuary 20, 2015 13


Education Per Aquinas

A Mystery That Will Never Be Solved Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "This is one of the things about the classic rite of education.  It doesn’t have a goal, a specific economic goal or a productive goal as its result.  It has as its objective the cultivation of the human intellect, to teach man how to think not what to think.  This is so important.  This is like the nomocratic […]

todayJanuary 14, 2015 5

Founding Father John Taylor Clip

Daily Clip

New PC/Queen Hit “Boom, Boom, Boom, A Southerner Bites The Dust”

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I have a headline here that some of you were shocked by.  I don’t know why Southerners are shocked by it.  I guess there is the opinion out there that institutions that receive large portions of public moneys in order to continue their existence, that they somehow are not ultimately going to cave into the wishes of those that are able to push the levers […]

todayJuly 9, 2014 9


NCAA Corrupting Universities With Semi-Pro Ball since 1970

The NCAA Has Corrupted Universities But Helped NFL, NBA Make Bank Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Isn’t that how everything in the government works?  You go from being “This is a great idea.  Let’s have a government.  They said it would be fun.  They said it would make everything equal and kids would get great educations.”  You go from the most lofty and high expectations, lofty aspirations and what […]

todayJanuary 29, 2014 7


Andrew Sullivan’s Take On Conservatism And Whether It Can Be Saved

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Well, open today’s Pile of Prep and you will find a link and a quote to a blog post written by Andrew Sullivan. Sullivan writes at The Dish, which is a website that he -- he used to write for The Atlantic. He went out on his own. He’s one of these guys that’s trying to be an independent and not have to work […]

todayOctober 31, 2013 11


Affirmative Action To Prevent Discrimination Actually Encourages Discrimination

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Did white people choose to be white? So you’re going to carve out a special disfavor because you assert that there is this thing called an affirmative action program because you’re just born and destined and get admitted into any college that you want simply by virtue of the color of your skin? I must have missed out on that one, too. I was […]

todayAugust 26, 2013 11


Interview With Tom Pauken, Candidate For Governor Of Texas

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Now to the Dude Maker Hotline, let us say hello for the first time to candidate for the governor’s office of the great State of Texas, here is Tom Pauken. Mr. Pauken has decided to throw his hat into the ring. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayAugust 19, 2013 21
