
6 Results / Page 1 of 1



Modern Escapism

Mike Church, RJ Snell and David Simpson Discuss Modern Escapism Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "You have in this book a definition of work.  It’s not the definition of work that most people use.  Most people think work and they think Macbeth: Double, double toil and trouble.  They think sweating and tote that bale, haul that barge.  That’s what they think.  That’s not the work that you’re writing about, […]

todayFebruary 17, 2016 5


Technology – Making Us Better…Slackers

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – In our enlightened age here, we seem to have convinced ourselves, or many people have tried to convince themselves, that technology is actually the work of the future and that’s all that is needed. No one will have to grow our food. No one will have to milk the cows. No one will have to figure out how to get the water from point […]

todayApril 2, 2013 10

Founders Television

“I Don’t Like My Job and uhh, I Don’t Think I’m Gonna Go Anymore…”

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - George Will may as well be quoting Office Space in his new column at The Washington Post: Mugging Our Descendants. Male labor force is down from 89% to 73% and 27% don't even consider themselves to be part of the workforce. The problem, as Will points out, is the entitlement mentality. We've got too many young "men" standing around water coolers playing […]

todayOctober 29, 2012 13


Reagans First Job Requires Gubbmint Permit and Tax Forms at 15 Years Old

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - My baby girl goes off and she found her first job at 15 years old.   She has to go get a work permit, a permission slip, from the Parish government so that they will sanction it.  Of course, I and her mother have already sanctioned it, but that’s not good enough.  You have to trudge off to get some bureaucrat’s approval.  Actually, you’ve got […]

todayMay 17, 2012 7

Daily Clip

Barbara Elliot: Voluntary Charity, Not Government Welfare is What Makes a Difference in People

MANDEVILLE, LA - EXCLUSIVE AUDIO - Mike interviews Barbara J. Elliott the founder of the Center for Cultural Renewal, which works to renew the cities of America through acts of voluntary charity in place of government welfare systems. She is also the founder of the WorkFaithConnection, which has been serving people leaving homelessness, prison, drug addiction,and joblessness. Since its beginning in2007, they have transitioned more than 1,000 people into a […]

todayMarch 23, 2011 31
