Daily Clip

Tweets Won’t Win Wars, Chivalry And Heroism Will

todayMay 20, 2014 5

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    Tweets Won’t Win Wars, Chivalry And Heroism Will AbbyMcGinnis

A great chivalry starterMandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Williamson has hit a note here, and I believe he’s hit it correctly.  I want to delve into this a little bit.  I was thinking about this.  We could have a lot of fun with this or we could be serious with it.  If we just wanted to have fun with it, then I suppose we could make up all manner or just take all manner of historical events where men of chivalry have rescued women and just replace the rescue mission with a hashtag tweet.  Sir Walter Raleigh wouldn’t have to lay his cloak down over the mud for Queen Elizabeth.  He’d just take a ‘selfie’ with a #mudsucks placard or something to that effect.”  Check out today’s Clip of The Day and transcript for the rest…

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Did you see any of the ridiculous tweets that have been posted to try and free the Nigerian girls?

Eric:  The one that sticks out in my mind was the supermodel that did it topless with her “Bring Back Our Girls” sign in front of her breasts.

Mike:  Number one, they are not “our girls.”  Number two, do you really think the terrorists or the Islamic nutjobs that have kidnapped those girls are checking their Twitter feeds in between torture sessions for the girls?

Eric:  More than likely not.

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    Tweets Won’t Win Wars, Chivalry And Heroism Will AbbyMcGinnis

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    Tweets Won’t Win Wars, Chivalry And Heroism Will AbbyMcGinnis

Mike:  Kevin Williamson writes about this.  He posted a bunch of screenshots of some of the more ridiculous clowns that had demanded “You give us our girls back.”  As a matter of fact, if you look at today’s Pile of Prep, that’s a jab at Justin Timberlake.  Here’s the headline for today’s Pile of Prep, “Heroism via Twitter is NOT For Real Men, Justin.”  Look at Justin Timberlake’s “Real Men Don’t Buy Girls.”  Let me tell you something, Justin.  Real men don’t rescue girls by posting things on Twitter, either, sir.  There’s a P. Diddy or Puff Daddy — what does he go by today, or is he just Sean now?

Eric:  I could have sworn that he announced recently that he was going back to Puff Daddy, but I’m not sure.

Mike:  [mocking] “I’m announcing today that I’m going back to my pseudonym.”  His says, “Bring back our girls now!”  Oh, I bet those terrorists are shaking in their boots, mortified.  Christiane Amanpour and some other clown on CNN have a sign, “Bring back our girls.”  Michelle Obama threatens the world, “Bring back our girls.”  Now, Michelle Obama is the one I take seriously.  She’ll just tell Barack to drone strike these guys.  As a matter of fact, they’re probably already on the kill list.  Williamson writes about this.  I was reading it last night and it really moved me because he struck a chord.  His piece is titled, “The Narcissistic Creed – When preening replaces thinking, our ability to engage in responsible self-government is diminished.”  As I said, this is just preposterous, this preposterous Twitter campaign to free these . . .

If you don’t know the story, apparently these lunatics in Nigeria, this cabal of Muslim Sharia Law terrorists don’t think that little girls should be going to school.  So if you send them off to school and you’re not secured well enough, they’ll send the marauders in there and kidnap the girls.  Apparently they might sell them into slavery or whatever the case may be.  We can’t go back in time.  Can we get in Eric White’s wayback machine and go back to Friday’s digital media files or do you scrap them at the end of every day?  You had the secretary Hagel clips about: We’re flying drone missions over Nigeria now.  For what reason?  Who authorized this?  Did Congress authorize this?  This is an act of war.  Have you declared war, have you?  We received a few phone calls.  The last one of the day, I wish I could have taken but we ran out of time with some woman who wanted to inform me, [mocking] “You don’t know what you’re talking about.  What we ought to be doing instead of helping those Nigerians out, we ought to be bombing the snot out of the Ukrainians.  We ought to be making sure that Putin can’t make a move on the Ukrainians.”  Oh, let’s start a war with the Russians.  Genius, madam.  What could possibly go wrong?

Williamson has hit a note here, and I believe he’s hit it correctly.  I want to delve into this a little bit.  I was thinking about this.  We could have a lot of fun with this or we could be serious with it.  If we just wanted to have fun with it, then I suppose we could make up all manner or just take all manner of historical events where chivalrous men have rescued women and just replace the rescue mission with a hashtag tweet.  Sir Walter Raleigh wouldn’t have to lay his cloak down over the mud for Queen Elizabeth.  He’d just put down #mudsucks or something to that effect.  King Arthur wouldn’t have to do any of the things that he had to do.  There wouldn’t be any rescuing.

Here’s a recent one.  I hate to bring this up because people may remember it with trepidation, but when the lunatic walked into the theater during the Batman premier and shot all those people that were innocently in there watching the opening-night midnight screening, there were a couple young men that got in front of their dates and took bullets for them, two or three of them, I believe, and actually committed an act of heroism.  What if they were sitting there watching Batman and just pulled a Justin Timberlake or a Sean “Puff Daddy” Combs instead and said: There are some madmen in here.  I’m running out the door.  I’m going to send a tweet to him, #HumanShield, #DontShootMyGirlfriend.

This is kind of Williamson’s point, but I think he’s onto something larger here, and that is not only the lack of chivalry, but the ability for modern Man, and I mean Man, as in male, the inability of most modern Men to even grasp the concept of chivalry, to grasp the concept of there are certain things you’re supposed to do because the fairer sex, whether they are wives, daughters, grandmothers, girlfriends, don’t ask question, just do it.  Do it because biology does exist.  There is a weaker gender.  Good, that’s fantastic.  That means there’s a stronger one.  We’ve got built-in protection.  Life’s great, ain’t it?  Instead, [mocking] “We’re Americans.  We’ve got to fight this.  The 14th Amendment will help us equalize.  They don’t have to be stronger than us anymore.”  Why not?

As a matter of fact, it’s hard to imagine anyone outside of the fantasy world of the movie set that we would actually believe might do something physically about the Nigerian madmen.  One of the things that ought to bother you about the whole Nigerian story, and it’s not just that we want to use our vainglorious military to go in there for no military purpose, no pressing interest for the people of the United States whatsoever.  If you want to do it for humanitarian means, then you go do it, Justin Timberlake and the rest of you.

One of the things that ought to bother you is that while there is some tacit admission that it’s just wrong what’s going on to these girls, but it’s not wrong that it’s going on to girls per se, as it’s happening to members of the weaker gender.  It’s only an outrage because it’s happening to girls who have achieved protected status here amongst our cultural establishment.  No one seems concerned about the abuse that is being heaped on the weaker of the two genders.  To them, every girl anywhere in the world ought to be pursuing what American girls are pursuing.  What American girls are pursuing is not the vocation of motherhood, let me assure you.  What American girls are pursuing is not the vocation of sisterhood, as in wear a habit and go to a convent.  What American girls are pursuing, we have weaned them off the pursuit of the virtuous life, weaned them off the pursuit of the maternal life.  That’s almost gone.  There are some that cling to it.  Of course, if you cling to it and say you cling to it, [mocking] “What kind of misogynist are you?  Why don’t you stop beating your wife, Mike?” they may retort.

Those that are upset at this are upset for all the wrong reasons.  Think of it like this.  Let’s just pretend this was happening in the 12th century.  Let’s say it was happening to young Christian girls who, as part of their upbringing, were endowed with, as gifts, some kind of a Christian relic from one of the saints or martyrs or whatever the case may be.  What would a Christian, chivalrous knight of the 12th century, alarmed at the news of this atrocity happening in Nigeria, what would they do?  [/private]


They’d get their buddies together, get their armor together and all ready.  They’d either build or hire a ship.  They’d get on a boat, hire a skipper: Take me to Africa.  They’d go find these marauders and go find Boko Haram and they’d take him out.  They’d go take those girls back by force is what they’d do.  Then they’d preserve and conserve the relic and bring them back to where they belonged.  I only threw the relics in because I know that’s part of the reasons that some of the crusades were entered into or were engaged upon, to restore or protect some of the relics that had been left in the holy city of Jerusalem.

That’s not our reaction.  Our reaction is: If we don’t find those girls, they’re never going to get to experience an abortion.  They’re never going to get to grow up to become lesbians.  They’re never going to get to grow up to become 28 years old and single and barren.  We’ve got to stop this.  You’re never going to get to grow up to have careers.  It’s not about the femininity and about their beautiful weakness that these people are concerned.  It’s about the fact that the story does not comport to our twisted version of how the world ought to work and how girls ought to be treated in that world.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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