Day: April 16, 2013

9 Results / Page 1 of 1



Laws Didn’t Prevent The Boston Marathon Bombing

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – In the United States, it is illegal and we have banned bombs. You can’t bomb people; that’s illegal. In the United States, terrorism is illegal. You cannot terrorize people. We have acts against this. See the Patriot Act. If justice is going to be done, that means there is law to do the justicing with, and that means that someone therefore has not obeyed […]

todayApril 16, 2013 3


Truth Is Treason In The Empire Of Lies…And It Doesn’t Pay Well Either

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I was told by my financial advisor David Simpson: Okay, Mike, I want you to do half of what you do, your brilliant creativity, lying to the public and telling them what they want to hear -- like for Red State Gal and Blue State on Twitter yesterday -- and then the other half of the time you can pursue the truth. You have […]

todayApril 16, 2013 21


Apparently Murder By Abortion Is A-Okay But Murder By Bomb Is Not

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – We did a story yesterday. Most people didn’t seem very upset over the Gosnell story and what we reported as the grizzly and ghastly over and over and over a period of years occurrences inside there. Two women actually lost their lives in the Gosnell abortion clinic. I just bring it up as a reference because we were talking about this before. The pro-choice […]

todayApril 16, 2013 61


The 4th Amendment Is Dead And Getting Deader But No One Mourns

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Since nobody else cares about it, I’m going to stop caring about it. I was going to read you the 4th Amendment, but since I don’t think it matters anymore, I’m not going to. If you’re going to be stopped and searched by, again, a federale, you’ve got to ask the question, again, under what authority? “An act of Congress in 1986.” Okay, under […]

todayApril 16, 2013 2


Let’s Ban Bombs And Terrorism

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Are we now going to have all manner of outpouring from the OMSNBC types that we need to ban bombs? [mocking] “Mike, bombs are already banned.” No, they can’t be. One went off. A child’s life was lost. Bombs can’t be illegal. They must be legal in Massachusetts and I just missed the posting. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayApril 16, 2013 61


Media Blackout On Dr. Gosnell Abortion Mill

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – This alleged doctor, Kermit Gosnell, folks, I watched these videos last night. I watched a film called 3801 Lancaster. It’s a short movie, about 20 minutes long, and it’s about the Gosnell indictment and what authorities in Philadelphia ultimately found when they went into this late-term abortion clinic. This is just -- in the abortion rights crowd, they cannot bring themselves to report on […]

todayApril 16, 2013 7

Founders Television

We Have An Empire… Should We Just Face It?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - According to Daniel McCarthy's post at the American Conservative, "How a Federal Republic Becomes an Ideological Empire", little r [r]epublicans and localists need to just drop your delusions, face the facts, and become good little nationalists yourselves. Daniel makes many good points about HOW we got to this point, including how the Founders, especially James Madison, could not have predicted many of […]

todayApril 16, 2013 21

Pile Of Prep

Boston Marathon Bombing Shouldn’t Happen-Bombs & Terrorism Are Banned in U.S.

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of reaction & coverage of Boston Marathon bombing plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "This is a day rich with historical and significant events which are precious in the eyes of patriots. It may well be called Patriots' Day. On this day,in 1775, at Lexington and Concord, was begun the great war of the Revolution; on this day, in 1783, […]

todayApril 16, 2013 11
