
776 Results / Page 75 of 87



Why Marty the Cop Must Remain Vigilant of Rand Paul After Romney Endorsement

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Rand just became a lot more powerful.  Let me repeat, with that action of endorsing Governor Romney last night, Rand became a lot more powerful.  He is now a lot more difficult to dismiss as some ideological Libertarian crank.  That’s a good thing.  Let’s look for the glass half full.  Just know, Rand, I’m watching you.  If we don’t keep our eyes and we […]

todayJune 8, 2012 7

Daily Clip

Why We Should Never Accept The Welfare State

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - I do not have to accept the point of view that we’re stuck with the welfare state.  I don’t and I’m not going to.  I’m going to go to my grave living, eating, sleeping and breathing exactly what we do here every day, and I hope you are too.  No, I will never accept your welfare state.  You compel me by force […]

todayJune 8, 2012 4

Daily Clip

Romneys Economic Experience Doesn’t Matter… The Constitution Is All That Matters

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - Mitt Romney is using his success at Bain as the reason as to why he would make a good chief executive, so why shouldn't people knock him for it?  But you know what really matters? The one and only thing that matters in this election? The Constitution. Does Romney have any experience in defending it? Where is his résumé when it comes […]

todayJune 7, 2012 10

Founders Television

Gas Consumption and Petroleum Use Hit 20 Year Lows

[private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video -Today on the Post Show Show Mike talks about BernYankMe, Gas and petroleum usage, intellectual honesty in America politics, and much much more. Become a Founder's Pass member to listen to the entire show and watch the Post Show Show!  

todayJune 7, 2012 4

Founders Television

Interview with Brion McClanahan on Forgotten Conservatives In American History

McClanahan: We could use a lot more conservatives like Democrat President Grover Cleveland and his veto pen! [private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video -Today on the Post Show Show we have an interview with Brion McClanahan discussing his newest book, available AUTOGRAPHED by the author "Forgotten Conservatives in American History"! Topics such as: Scott Walkers victory, Obama's spontaneous fundraiser appearances, and Bill Clinton being pro Obama […]

todayJune 6, 2012 5

Founders Television

Wisconsin’s Big Day: Banshee Woman vs Wealth Producers

[private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video -Today on the Post Show Show we talk all about the current crazy news. Police department spy drones? We talk about driving interest rates up and how that could affect you. Paycheck fairness act, Obama's physical conservation, 2011 taxes, food stamps record, and much more exiting topics. Become a Founder's Pass member to listen to the entire interview and watch […]

todayJune 5, 2012 4

Founders Television

Interview with David Simpson

[private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] Video coming soon! [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - Today on the Post Show Show David Simpson discusses the chaos in the Louisiana state convention. David tells us of a Ron Paul supporter getting his hip dislocated, and another getting thrown out. Listen to the interview for all the details on the chaos. Become a Founder's Pass member to listen to the entire interview and […]

todayJune 4, 2012 5


Zuckerman is Right: The Problem With the Market is Gubbmint

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - There is no money, ladies and gentlemen.  This greatest house of cards in the history of house of cards that has been erected by all these financial geniuses is doomed to collapse.  It’s going to happen.  This is inevitable.  I don’t believe that this is me just postulating about this and running my mouth.  I believe that certain economic principles that you can’t change […]

todayJune 1, 2012 5

Daily Clip

Why Are Secession Petitions A Naughty Term?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - How ironic is this?  You want the greatest irony of all ironies?  In the Articles of Confederation, it says that the articles, once ratified, were to make a perpetual league of friendship, I believe.  They use the word “perpetual.”  How perpetual was it when eleven of the states living under it in 1787 and 1788 seceded from it and gave it up […]

todayJune 1, 2012 14
