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Pile Of Prep

Thursday Pile of Prep

Hodierna Verba Veritatis et Sapientiae "Innocent’s world was not flat, timeless, and univocal. Christendom was dynamic, hierarchical, temporal, and analogical. It moved, governed by a master narrative of fall and redemption, sin and grace, law and freedom, the external and the internal, the temporal and the spiritual. Its meta-narrative was that of salvation history, the movement from paradise, through the stages of the Old Testament, into the New Testament, and […]

todayDecember 1, 2022 3

The Mike Church Show

Wednesday New Christendom Daily-On Saint Andrew Day Christian Men Need To Start Acting All St. Andrew-y

HEADLINE: 12 GOP Senators Ditched Their Constituents To Allow For Government Persecution Of Speech In Deceptive LGBT Bill by Jordan Boyd  HEADLINE: If Marriage Can Mean Anything, It Will Soon Mean Nothing by Stella Morabito Last nights Senate vote was 62-37 passing. HR8404 puts us one step closer to abolishing state recognition of marriage entirely. Here are the 12 GOP that crossed the line and voted for this crap: Blunt […]

todayNovember 30, 2022 24

Pile Of Prep

Wisdom Wednesday on Saint Andrew Day Pile of Prep

Hodierna Verba Veritatis et Sapientiae "Innocent’s world was not flat, timeless, and univocal. Christendom was dynamic, hierarchical, temporal, and analogical. It moved, governed by a master narrative of fall and redemption, sin and grace, law and freedom, the external and the internal, the temporal and the spiritual. Its meta-narrative was that of salvation history, the movement from paradise, through the stages of the Old Testament, into the New Testament, and […]

todayNovember 30, 2022 9

The Mike Church Show

The Tuesday New Christendom Daily-FTX/SFB Scandal Is Tied To The Big Tech PedoGrooming I’ve Been Warning About Part 4

Documentary - An Open Secret: Hollywood Pedophiles  When I coined the phrase “they are coming for the children” I didn’t realize just how far back this had gone. Could you take the secular version from Aristotle?  If you are just adverse to anything Catholic and won’t take the Philosophia Perennis courses from the Saint Benedict Center. What is a universal? Water is a liquid. I am a man, man is […]

todayNovember 29, 2022 31

The Mike Church Show

Monday New Christendom Daily Part 1-FTX/SFB Scandal Is Tied To The Big Tech PedoGrooming I’ve Been Warning About

HEADLINE: Sam Bankman-Fried still speaking at events and the community is furious by Brayden Lindrea  Why are these people still speaking at this event? FBI in McDonald’s show, every single one of them used the phrase “Deprive them of their Liberties”. If you're not familiar with EA, you can read through the material on the website before realizing that it's just one more Geek Cult that young intellectuals of arrested […]

todayNovember 28, 2022 6

The Mike Church Show

Monday New Christendom Daily Part 2-FTX/SFB Scandal Is Tied To The Big Tech PedoGrooming I’ve Been Warning About

I'll try to repeat it in a simple way, then move on: POTUS Biden & Co. sent billions to Ukraine. Ukraine put vast sums in the hands of FTX SBF & Co. spent tens of millions on primarily Democratic candidates during the Midterm elections. It is noteworthy that the "Aid for Ukraine" website apparently set up by SBF and reportedly took in $60 million in donations is last picked up by the Wayback […]

todayNovember 28, 2022 9
