Pile Of Prep Catholics Strike Back Filing 43 Lawsuits Against Obama for 1st Amendment Violations In long overdue rebuff to Federal powers the Catholic Church seems to be saying that Obama influenced health insurance mandates are a usurpation too far, we can only hope they are so animated against all the rest of the governments meddling in religious affairs Whopper: DeceptiCON Grand Poobah Bill Kristol's […] todayMay 22, 2012 17
Pile Of Prep Not Even A The FaceBook Fiat Fantasy Can Lift Itself & The Market As The Crash Wave Builds FaceBook rang the bell and only half the "investors" who were supposed to show up for the Free Fiat Money Festival IPO of "virtual economy" run-wild showed up, probably because they were ON FaceBook at the time Did NASDAQ computer glitches screw up the FaceBook second coming? PRAY: Robin Gibb […] todayMay 21, 2012 3
Pile Of Prep Let’s Abolish Our Income Taxes Deport Schumer and Keep Eduardo Saverin The WaPo doesn't know whether to run for the safe streets of Baltimore, cry "racist!!"or just do all it can do to savage "Tea Party" Senate candidates that keep beating DeceptiCON hacks because they promise stupid things like balanced budgets and an end to federal agencies. Nebraska is the latest […] todayMay 18, 2012 10
insert_link Church Doctrine 80% Of Something You Are Entitled To 100% Of Is Not A Bargain todayMay 17, 2012 5
insert_link Daily Clip Facebook Cannot Buy What Must Be Earned… Like Respect of Peers todayMay 17, 2012 4
insert_link Founders Television What Federal Courts Are Supposed To Do: Strike Down UnConstitutional Acts Of Congress (NDAA) todayMay 17, 2012 5
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1795