The Tuesday primary contest that was NOT to be: Hatch survives to continue his assault on the Constitution as a "conservative" Buchanan: 30 years, $2 TRILLION, 6,500 dead, 40,000 wounded and all for WHAT in the Middle East? VIDEO: Hayek meets Santelli on CNBC as the old "no rules are good […]
DeceptiCONNED: NRO writer thinks ANY ruling made by the SCOTUS is "the Supreme law of the land" apparently he has never read the "in pursuance thereof" clause nearby or is just another yale educated "constitutional scholar" (like Obama) After reading Scalia's AZ Case Opinion I am even more demure in saying […]
Larison: Romney's lack of experience and team of the Usual Suspects on foreign policy make him a dangerous choice for the GOP Reason Magazine: How to keep the Paulmentum going and what the risks are The worst advocate for a sensible, traditional view of immigration, Marco Woodrow Wilson Rubio, holds […]