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Daily Clip

Red Tape and Tax Burden Stifle the Solution to the Energy Crisis

Comment(s)NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana Mike takes a call about the fallacy that was the T. Boone Pickens wind farm fraud whereby the gentlemanly sounding Pickens ended up revealing himself as nothing but yet another corporatist looking for massive corporate welfare in the form of wealth-transfer subsidies to fund his snake-oil wind […]

todayAugust 31, 2011 3


Windmills Hated by Tree-Huggers?

[mp3t track='29082011_Transcript1_windmilss_hated_by_tree_huggers.mp3']NEW ORLEANS, LA.-Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike: Jim is in Ohio. Jim, youre next up on The Mike Church Show, Sirius XM Patriot Channel. How are you?Jim: Since you were dealing with energy today, I was talking to another truck driver, and he was telling me about in his […]

todayAugust 29, 2011 6

Church Doctrine


Appeal To My Local Politicians: Tax Me Directly & Save US From The IRS 2011 Mike ChurchHey folks its Mike Church with today's Church Doctrine.For decades, bark humping, frog licking wackos have been telling us that we must adopt a renewable energy policy: Why, failure to do so will threaten […]

todayAugust 29, 2011 6


Does Jeffrey Lord also think his Senior Editor is a Leftist?

[mp3t track='Codevilla_Interview_Pt.3.mp3']As the Jeffrey Lord-Mark Levin Neo-Conservative propaganda machine continues to try helplessly to retain lock & key over actual American history, readers may just find it interesting to know Angelo Codevilla, a Senior Editor at the American Spectator joined Mike last year to discuss the Straussian Neo Conservative's love […]

todayAugust 26, 2011 5


Mike's Response to Mark Levin's Facebook Sniping (with FACTS omg)

CommentsMy response to Mr. Mark Levin in its entirety:I especially love this unbelievable statement from Mr. Levins post"Moreover, Hunter's hate for Abraham Lincoln is well known, and it is shared by the rest of Paul's inner circle. Hunter, who calls himself "the Southern Avenger," longs for the good old days […]

todayAugust 24, 2011 4


Barbaric "Twin Killing" Abortions

[mp3t track='19082011_Barbaric_twin_killings.mp3']Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike: I have the story here about the twin killings because you people probably, Oh, youre making that up just to shock people. No, Im not. Ruth Padawer in The New York Slimes chronicles the surge of twin killings, or reductions, as the Cary Bradshaw […]

todayAugust 20, 2011 6
