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Daily Clip

A Dollar Sure Doesn’t Buy What it Use to

Mike Church: We Know the FEDERAL RESERVE is the EnemyNEW ORLEANS, La. Patricia in South Carolina calls in to speak with Mike about the widely held misnomer regarding the price of gasoline. Her impassioned excoriation of the FEDERAL RESERVEs system of fiat currency makes plain, the price of gasoline is […]

todayApril 28, 2011 18


The Arrogance of the Entitlement Class (video)

On Monday Neil Cavuto interviewed Representative Bernice Johnson (D-TX) to discuss the burgeoning debt problem and recent budget debate in Congress. Unfortunately for her constitutents, Representative Johnson suffers from such a severe case of cognitive dissonance, that it is unlikely she is capable of offering them any leadership whatsoever. her […]

todayApril 20, 2011 4

Daily Clip

We are on a Freight Train Elevator to Economic Hades

We are on a Freight Train Elevator to Economic HadesNEW ORLEANS, La. - The complacent sycophantic old-media is once again trumpeting the notion of class warfare via the same old tired tactic, i.e. Soak the Rich. According to a recent Gallop survey, six in ten Americans feel the rich do […]

todayApril 19, 2011 7

Church Doctrine

Nu, prisoedinit?sya ko mne commrade(Come, join me Comrade)

Nu, prisoedinit?sya ko mne commrade(Come, join me Comrade)2011 Mike ChurchHi folks it's Mike Church with Today's Church DoctrineI have one very simple question to ask today: What took the "experts" at Standard & Poor's so long to finally announce to the financial world what most Americans already knew: The United […]

todayApril 19, 2011 14

Daily Clip

U.S. College Debt Projected to be Over a Trillion Dollars or 2/3 of India

College Debt Projected to be Over a Trillion Dollar or 2/3 of Indias GDPMANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA Mike speaks to the utter fraud financing college has become under the federal student loan monopoly. With students graduating buried in debt many times with diplomas totally incapable of generating enough income to ever relieve […]

todayApril 18, 2011 6

Church Doctrine

Fresh Fried Donuts – The Breakfast of Liberty’s Champions

Fresh Fried Donuts - The Breakfast of Liberty's Champions2011 Mike ChurchHi folks it's Mike Church with today's Church Doctrine.I attended a pair of Tea Party rallies this weekend, one in New York City and one in Tyler Texas. How ironic that the citizens of New York, which has a population […]

todayApril 18, 2011 6


GE War Machine Propaganda Arm, MSNBC Attempts to Smear Nullification Movement

Quick LinksOriginal Smear Reportby: Rachel Maddow "Toys in the Attic Strike Again"by: Michael Boldin"Liberals for Slavery"by: Jack Hunter(WIRE REPORT) - Editor's Note: As Americans express renewed interest in the Constitution, as well as the philosophy of little-r republicanism as espoused by Mr. Jefferson and Madisons Virginia & Kentucky resolution, the […]

todayApril 14, 2011 8
