Louisianans Can Restore Their Republic But ‘Dey Gotta Vote ©2012 Mike Church There is an election going on this weekend in LA that few people know about and that is a shame. What turns the shame to an outrage is that this election has profound implications on how this state and maybe The Mobocracy we let pass for a union is governed, it is called the Louisiana Republican Caucus*. The caucusing begins at 08:30 a.m. and ends at noon. […]
Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - I received hate mail yesterday informing me that had it not been for the space shuttle, there would be no Sirius XM because there would be no low earth orbit satellites. That’s right, they wouldn’t exist. If you guys are going to take this line of reasoning and this line of thought about it, we should go all the way back to the railroad. Had it not been for the federal government, the train […]
Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Yes, it is true that Romney and Hoover have a very similar resume, but is this a good thing for President of the United States? No, it's not. Assuming that Romney will follow in Hoover's footsteps, and he almost certainly will, he will use his experience from the private sector and as Governor to try and centrally plan our way out of our current financial crisis, we'll just let the Federal Government fix everything […]
Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio & Transcript - Mitt wants the youth of America to vote for him because he believes he can fix the debt and fix college education. The problem with his budget for doing this is that he's talking to Paul Ryan, whose budget doesn't balance for THIRTY years, there's no telling where we'll be at that point. He needs to be talking to Rand Paul, whose budget balances in FIVE. The critics will say he can't […]
If the SS "Trust Fund" goes belly up in 2033 by the Feds own admission what is the REAL state of Leviathan's affairs? BatMitt & Rubio fight crime, save FL and battle the evil Debt Riddler on the campaign trail Alleged historians (and Republicans) give Obama a pass on his abuse of power as NY Slimes clamors for more Executive tyranny Yah dere, we gots to keep da Vikings up 'ere in Minneesoda were even if dem taxpayers were gotza put […]
Drew Brees Is to LA What Jeff Daniels Is To Michigan (oh, and he plays pro football too) ©2012 Mike Church For 3/4 of these United States history we operated as merit based communities. The adage of “working hard and playing by the rules” was last used by Bill Clinton and coined by American novelist Horatio Alger who wrote that success was achieved by “…honesty, thrift, self-reliance, industry, a cheerful whistle and an open manly face.” In our age of […]
MANDEVILLE, LA - EXCLUSIVE AUDIO - Check out today's Post Show Show Free Preview with Kevin Gutzman discussing the 10th and 14th amendments, the incorporation doctrine, the due process clause, and the original intent of these amendments when they were ratified. Check out the audio clip for more.. [private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private]