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Daily Clip

Calling For Another Bloody Civil War Is Not Being A Conservative

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Bloody civil wars are entered into by political choice. That is not a legal question; that is a political question. I don’t think, and I reject all of you that are so ginned up and believe a bloody civil war is right around the corner. My God, think about it when you say that. Why would you even wish that on the people? Check out today's transcript for the rest...

todayJanuary 23, 2013 9


Article IV And The State Of Jefferson

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - When you talk about those states breaking off into chunks and separating, then that new state has a chance to write its own new constitution. In that constitution, it can choose whether or not it wishes to apply for entry into the union. There is nothing in the federal constitution that says -- all it says is that if a state wishes to divide itself and form a new state out of its current […]

todayJanuary 23, 2013 5


Where Are The Modern-Day Martin Luther Kings?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Do you see any Martin Luther King -- of course, you don’t see any George Washingtons around either -- do you see anyone following in the tradition of a gentleman that spoke as King did? I know he didn’t always live up to the high ideals, but he was human. That’s part of the human condition. Do you see anyone out there amongst the young that you would say would be a young Martin […]

todayJanuary 23, 2013 14


A State Has The Right To Choose Its Religion

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - There are two prohibitions in the Constitution, one against religious tests for office and the First Amendment. I don’t see how if bigamy or polygamy were what the Mormons said was a part of their religion, I don’t see how that could have been used to exclude or say they could not have been admitted as a state provided they ratified the Constitution. Check out today's transcript for the rest...

todayJanuary 23, 2013 5

Founders Television

“A Tale of Two Cités” Two Visions of America… and They’re Both French

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Leo Linbeck III has an article at The Imaginitive Conservative comparing two 19th Century Frenchmen's vision of America, Rousseau and Tocqueville, to our current political situation. It seems that America has been divided in two for a very long time, Tories and Whigs, North and South, Republicans and Democrats... always two differing views on how the country should move forward. So the fact that we're divided right now is nothing new, the […]

todayJanuary 23, 2013 3

Mike's Hate Mail graphic

Listeners Lounge

Listener Desires Residence In Citadel Compound, Secedes From Mike’s Audience

Mandeville, LA - You never know what it is that will set off some "listeners" which is why we have carved out the world famous "Hate-mail blog" here on the site. Reluctant site member "Iggy" demands that Mike "rebuild trust with his audience" in the ridiculous exchange below and we wonder if he secedes from our audience over his misunderstanding? Iggy wrote: "What the heck Mike - you can't post without logging on. [Editor] No, you cannot post "anonymously" here […]

todayJanuary 23, 2013 10
