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Founders Corner

Kevin Gutzman in Early (1994) Takedown of “American Exceptionalism” High Priest Harry Jaffa

Mandeville, LA - (Thanks to The Imaginative Conservative for this repost of Prof Gutzman's essay) Kevin Gutzman was once and aspiring young author and not the Colossus of Constitution we know and admire today (see his James Madison & The Making of America"). Back in 1994, Gutzman was presented the opportunity to partially weigh in on the famous dialogue that embroiled the young "American Exceptionalism" movement begun by Professor Harry Jaffa. If you've ever wondered how Lincoln became the DeceptiCONS […]

todaySeptember 24, 2012 24

Pile Of Prep

The Great, Aristocratic, Gentlemanly, Southern Tradition Goes Bye Bye With Boo Boo

Honey Boo Boo make the biggest boo boo of all: normalizing white trash and continuing the assault of the Southern Tradition Machiavelli Lives: Obama jokingly castigates himself for not paying enough in taxes so he can viciously castigate Romney According to the amount of FedEx Shipments, the recession began this summer New Orleans, the City That Knowledge Forgot: N.O. tour guides claim the first Amendment protects their right to botch NEW ORLEANS history given on tours through the city Rand […]

todaySeptember 24, 2012 9


Don’t Incorporate the First Amendment

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Nobody called the first ten amendments the Bill of Rights until incorporation was invented in the early part of the 20th century. Amendment One is part of a suite of twelve amendments that were proposed in the first congress and sent to the states for ratification. The sole and explicit purpose of those amendments were that the states that ratified begrudgingly -- like New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia especially, North Carolina, which would not ratify […]

todaySeptember 21, 2012 13

Daily Clip

Romney Campaign Shows Business Isn’t Politics

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - Let me just point out the greatest irony of all ironies here... The Romney résumé is that he is the manager dude. He is the CEO. He’s the turnaround man. He runs those companies, turns the losers into winners, does all these things, right? What is the campaign? The campaign is a company. It’s an endeavor. How many millions have been raised? He’s raised some ungodly amount of money, like $350, $400 […]

todaySeptember 21, 2012 6


Ron Paul Supporters Are Told to Shut up & Vote For Romney Because “Nothing less than the Constitution is at stake here.”

"But if you are truly dedicated to the Constitution you won’t let it be trampled in order to make some soon-to-be-moot point to the anonymous GOP party hacks responsible for not giving Ron Paul a primo speaking slot. Priorities, people. Nothing less than the Constitution is at stake here." - Kurt Schlichter, Breitbart's Big Government This piece, written by Kurt Schlichter of Breitbart's Big Government is more 40 years ago than today. The US Constitution as a plan of government, […]

todaySeptember 21, 2012 11


How to Define a Conservative and Liberal

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - The true conservative in the mold of [r]epublicans like Madison and Washington and Taylor of Caroline and the Englishman Burke and 20th century versions you would find like Tolkien and C.S. Elliott and Russell Kirk and others, they would not recognize today’s conservatives. I think that says an awful lot of bad things about today’s conservatives. I used to ask the question: what is it that we want to conserve? It’s not all about […]

todaySeptember 21, 2012 11

Pile Of Prep

Can Congress Stop the DC Metro From Promoting Israeli Issues on Subways?

DeceptiCONS use Israeli PM Netenyahu in ad to paint Obama as "weak" on Iran as war fever refuses to abate in spite of public distaste for it Michael Kinsley returns: It is time for a 3rd party (wow, the LIBS have thrown in the towel on Obama!?) CAT FIGHT!!: Peggy Noonan chides Mitt for being CEO of the Romney Campaign AND the candidate - Ilana Mercer Chides Noonan for what amounts to a shameless promotion of her own worthiness GOP […]

todaySeptember 21, 2012 6
