Daily Clip U.S. College Debt Projected to be Over a Trillion Dollars or 2/3 of India College Debt Projected to be Over a Trillion Dollar or 2/3 of Indias GDPMANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA Mike speaks to the utter fraud financing college has become under the federal student loan monopoly. With students graduating buried in debt many times with diplomas totally incapable of generating enough income to ever relieve themselves of the initial federal shackles, this is a bubble just waiting to burst as defaults continue to rise at […] todayApril 18, 2011 6
Daily Clip Going Galt, Howard says He’s had ENough of Being a Wage Slave MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA - Howard, a small business owner in Pennsylvania has decided he is no longer going to participate in a system of coerced wage confiscation, i.e. Income Taxes that serve no purpose other than to pay the Private Central Bankers at the FEDERAL RESERVE's interest and thus has opted to notify his employees, that as of this morning he is shutting down his company and that he, as one […] todayApril 11, 2011 3
Daily Clip The Entitlement Class has Led us to the Edge of Soviet-Style Collapse Audio Player HelpMANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA Mike speaks with a caller who takes issues with those who like leeches, live off the government and yet still manage to drive new vehicles, have internet, cell-phones and all the other trappings of what used to be the rewards of a middle-class work ethic. Now however, as the Welfare/Warfare STATISTS confiscate the wages of the people, Mike sees our once free and prosperous nation looking […] todayApril 4, 2011 6
Daily Clip Bill Kristol Grand Wizard of the “We Bomb You Klan” MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA - Mike discusses the"Grand-Wizard" of the "We-Bomb-You-Klan", Bill Kristol, who has yet to meet a Patriot or Tomahawk missile lobbed into a Middle Eastern country that doesn't bring an ear to ear smile to his face. In additon, reports are now coming in from the front, that America does indeed have troops on the ground despite claims to the contrary. AdvertisementT-shirt and KingDude Cigar Special $19.95 todayMarch 29, 2011 4
insert_link Daily Clip Barbara Elliot: Voluntary Charity, Not Government Welfare is What Makes a Difference in People MANDEVILLE, LA - EXCLUSIVE AUDIO - Mike interviews Barbara J. Elliott the founder of the Center for Cultural Renewal, which works to renew the cities of America through acts of voluntary charity in place of government welfare systems. She is also the founder of the WorkFaithConnection, which has been serving people leaving homelessness, prison, drug addiction,and joblessness. Since its beginning in2007, they have transitioned more than 1,000 people into a […] todayMarch 23, 2011 28
Daily Clip Listeners Turn on DeceptiCON Chickenhawks like O’Reilley Audio, Mandeville, LA - Tam in GA could not believe his ears when he heard Bill O'Reilley say he was willing to take on Ghadaffi... that HE [O'reilley] was willing to sit in his leather broadcast chair and watch yet another, undeclared war squander billions of borrowed dollars and cost an untold amount of American lives (both present and future). todayMarch 22, 2011 4
Daily Clip Lincoln Didn’t Preserve The Union – He Killed It (Audio) Mandeville, LA - The 17th Amendment says that the Senate ofthe United States shall be composed of two Senators of each State,elected by the people thereof for a six year term, and each Senator hasone vote.What we can do is pass referendum in the State and say thatan election of the people actually takes place when they elect theirState Representatives - now this is a stretch and a person […] todayMarch 16, 2011 4
Daily Clip The Media Making Matters Seem Worse Then They Are In Japan Related Material: Hear more on the tragedy in Japan with the help of The Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM's Patriot Channel: Some Think This Is 'Good' For Japan? Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike: Just lets recap this real quick here. Your host has always been, since he was a little chirruns going to school, has always been amazed, fascinated by science. Perhaps because, when I was seven years old, one […] todayMarch 15, 2011 3
Daily Clip Tom The Geologist Explaining Plate Tectonics (Audio) Mandeville, LA - It's true that today is Monday. AGroundhog's Monday to be exact, a term coined by the KingDude to definethe lack of participation from you the listener on typical Mondaymornings. Welcome to a typical Monday morning. That is until our topicstopped at the plate tectonic train station - it was here that itbecame obvious that no one working on the show had any credentials toeven offer an […] todayMarch 14, 2011 5
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757