Daily Clip Why Does Leviathan Fund NPR Again? Related Material: Something about 'public' and 'not for profit' that really irks these radio waves. Hear more KingDude griping over Leviathan's over stepping of boundaries with the archives of The Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM's Patriot Channel:Leviathan's Public Roads: We Don't Need Them Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike: It is what it is. It stands as it stands today. Were eight days way from the next two-week extension here. But we […] todayMarch 10, 2011 5
Daily Clip Is Obama An Economic Illiterate Or Is This About Gov’t Control? (Audio) Mandeville, LA - There are a few questions left in life thathave yet to be unanswered. What came first, chicken or the egg? Who andhow was Stonehenge built? What exactly is in taco Bell's meat? And,what the hell is Dear Leader Chairman MaObama doing to this once greatNation? It's widely accepted that time, and time alone, will give usthe answers to these ailing questions. The problem with that statementis […] todayMarch 9, 2011 12
Daily Clip No More Civic Duty In Politics. It’s Just To Enrich Yourself These Days (Audio) Mandeville, LA - Folks a few things happen on Fridays around here.Firstly, the eagle flies on Friday. Secondly, it's Hawaiian Shirt Daywith jeans being optional but pants nonetheless being mandatory. Andfinally, also most importantly, we open up the phone lines to you andallow you to dictate what it is we'll be discussing. We cleverly namedthis phenomenon 'Free Phone Friday' and it's what we look forward tofor the 165 hours […] todayMarch 4, 2011 3
Daily Clip Caller John Suggests Invading Alaska To Solve Oil Crisis (Audio) Mandeville, LA -It's Thursday but we chose to go to thephones adn if you have a problem with that then just wait until youtune in tomorrow! We've got John in Louisiana on the line and he's justa little heated at the sheer amount of money we spend on obtaining oilfrom the Middle East. So, you might be saying to yourself: well thatdoesn't sound that off-track, hell I don't like […] todayMarch 3, 2011 16
Daily Clip We Should Pursue Thought Provoking Rather Than Mind Numbing (Audio) Mandeville, LA - Make sure to have your blanket, pillow, hottea and what not before you gather around the KingDude fireplace for anice little fireside chat...or at least that's how we start today'sclip of the day. Walk alongside the Kingdude as he paints us a pictureof a favorite lunch time restaurant spot and a double Grey Goose DirtyMartini.While at lunch Mike uses the entertainment provided,numerous ESPN channels on numerous […] todayMarch 1, 2011 11
Daily Clip The Lack Of Critical Thinking Shows (Audio) Mandeville, LA - The KingDude begins today's clip of the dayreferencing an oped written at World Net Daily by Ilana Mercer entitled"Public Enemy Number One; Public Unions". The reason this is relevantis because it touches home on what the KingDude was saying last weekabout your sales taxes from lotteries and what not are taken from youand dedicated towards this thing called public educations. Wouldn't yoube better off with that […] todayFebruary 28, 2011 7
Daily Clip What Happens To All The Debt If We Break Away From The Union? (Audio) Mandeville, LA - If you live underneath a rock that rests at the ocean's floor, then youwere probably completely and utterly unaware that today, like allFridays here on the Mike Church Show, is Free Phone Friday. If youlisten to the show and are familiar with commonplaces like: TheFounders Red Pill, Leviathanitis, the land of Libtardia and theinfamous Mordor on the Potomac, then you were more than likely just asexcited […] todayFebruary 25, 2011 10
Daily Clip Did Manners Go The Way Of The Constitution? (Audio) Mandeville, LA - The KingDude starts off our Show Clip of theDay by presenting the basic problem to us in a very simplistic format.The problem is that we have to try and undo fifty years of non-stopsocialist, collectivist, propagandizing brainwashing. This is clear andevident in the futile attempts that we have made at cutting spendingand then the onslaught of negativity that immediately followsconcerning how each cut will affect each […] todayFebruary 24, 2011 5
Daily Clip How Free Market Blue Jeans Equals Freedom (Audio) Mandeville, LA - Sometimes in life you need a story in orderto tell a story. Let us clarify that a little bit more in depth. Oncertain occasions when one would be so inclined as to attempt to relaysome important information to a watching or listening audience, onewill sometimes use a relatable story that possesses qualities such ashumorous insight or an interesting and memorable fact. Jesus did thiswith what you […] todayFebruary 23, 2011 7
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757