
504 Results / Page 40 of 56



PLEASE: No Back Handspring Celebrations When Mammon’s Court Gets ONE Right

Mandeville, LA - "Conservatives" proclaim victory for "religious liberty" because the SCOTUS got ONE right-The Little Sisters of The Poor. While I am overjoyed that some of the torment hurled the Sisters way has abated for now, let's be serious and deal with reality, unlike lawyer/author David French.... "This outcome, by contrast, provides a judicial roadmap for a national victory for religious liberty. Congratulations to the Little Sisters, their fellow petitioners, […]

todayMay 16, 2016


The Benham Brother’s Commendable Stand Against Mammon Is Tainted By Denial Of Universal Authority

Mandeville, LA - Six people in my Facebook friends list, wife included, will get this, written in Charity and Humility: The Benham's are to be commended for their stance and for correctly identifying Mammon as the culprit and anarchy its lethal objective. HOWEVER, the unity and legal authority needed, is equally in a state of anarchy as a result of the rejection of The Legal and Teaching Authority (caps intended), to […]

todayMay 15, 2016 12


Are You A Christian Gentleman? Time To Man Up And Take on Mammon & His Transgendered Horde

Mandeville, LA - Cardinal Burke delivered an exhortation to the properly catechized faithful, denouncing Amoris Lætitia in spirit and pleading with the laity of the Church militant to learn then repeat the Catholicism of the early martyrs. Quoting Father John Hardon Cardinal Burke exhorted: Catholicism is in the throes of the worst crisis in its entire history. Unless true and loyal Catholics have the zeal and the spirit of the […]

todayMay 15, 2016 9


Will You Go Trans or Carmelite Vol II – The lgBtq Heresy Has Infected The Children

Mandeville, LA - The Image below was sent by CRUSADE Channel listener and contributor Kevin Gannon. Kevin's take is below. Folks, does no one see the horror that this has become for devout souls to experience and is growing like a well fed yeast culture!? To know that a 10 year old constructed this "artwork" with the guidance of parents means that at least 2 souls in that home are […]

todayMay 14, 2016 5


Citizen You Will Obey Your Federal OverLordsLordettes!!

Mandeville, LA - Rod Dreher writes of the latest Obama-induced gender inspired yet gender denied screed: "It’s happening so fast. But it’s happening. If you believe that these radicals are reasonable in any way, shape, or form, you are a fool. We now see what they will do. It won’t stop with this. And Hillary will bring it even harder." You can equivocate "this is not the same as ----"; you […]

todayMay 13, 2016 13


The GayStapo Is Winning Hearts & Minds, Martyrdom Is Here, Folks

The GayStapo's Recruiting Is Winning Over Alleged Christians & "Conservatives", The Martyrdom Is On The Steps Of The Narthex Folks Mandeville, LA -  I have been warning of the coming martyrdom for months now and as it becomes a prophecy fulfilled the question must be asked: what are we going to do about it. The Ft Worth TX School district has ordered the thought police into action to secure the compliance […]

todayMay 11, 2016 12


Yes Trumpzilla Won, No Dancing On Cruz & Beck’s Grave Is NOT Cool And It ain’t Catholic Either

Mandeville, LA - My buddy Steve Cunningham​ makes a great point tonight: there's very few rosaries being prayed for Glen Beck (or Cruz, Trump, the She Devil & The Useful Heretic Idiot) but boy howdy the Judgement Pornosphere™ has revved into high gear to: 1. Viciously assail people like me who've been consistent and honest on Cruz's ineligibility and his demagoguery; it's 2008 all over again "and he would have won […]

todayMay 3, 2016 7
